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Study of sloth, slothful or deceitful

HYPOTHESIS: What does "ramyah" mean ?

INTRODUCTION: This word is similar to sloth, and may mean slothful?

METHOD: See all verses

CONCLUSION: The concept of "ramyah" is to be slothful.

PICTURE:     "ramiyah" The meaning is "The head flows active. Behold !"

PERSONAL APPLICATION: Here is a similar word to "sloth".

The words are similar in meaning but different in the parts of the body. The word "sloth" is "the eye travels it's own authority". The word "slothful" is "The head flows active. Behold! the person". Thus we have a person who is really head strong and doing whatever his eye wants to do. Often we see slothfulness as idleness. But it doesn't mean this , though this is part of it's meaning. A slothful person may be busy, but he's doing his own thing, following where his eye leads. Often slothful people are lazy and inactive.

DISCUSSION: See comments in text

Sloth (lazy) theme

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