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sin-offering God's way or man's way

( 201 ) Pr 20:9 ¶ Who can say , I have made my heart clean , I am pure from my sin "chatta'ah"?

.. I am pure from my sin-offering ..

( 202 ) Pr 21:4 ¶ An high look , and a proud heart , and the plowing of the wicked , is sin "chatta'ah".

.. plowing of the wicked is sin-offering ..

( 203 ) Pr 24:9 The thought of foolishness is sin "chatta'ah": and the scorner is an abomination to men .

.. of foolishness is sin-offering ..

( 204 ) Isa 3:9 ¶ The shew of their countenance doth witness against them ; and they declare their sin "chatta'ah" as Sodom , they hide it not. Woe unto their soul ! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.

.. and they declare their sin-offering .. Chataah comes from chata with another letter personifying the word "ah". Thus the meaning of chataah is the person making sinning his own error. Such error is processed into one of two methods of salvation. There is Jesus' method in which the sinner come to Jesus in faith believing in the sacrifice of Christ for the believer in his or her stead, with trembling heart felt humility and gratitude to the grace of GOD. The second method is Satan's method. This method is as religious as God's method, and a close counterfeit. The only missing ingredient is God's power. The substitution is replacing God's power with human power, a human effort that flows to nothing.

Just because the sinner chooses to live in both processes of salvation does not mean God abandons the sinner. God's love is not like that. No God is patient no wanting any to be lost. God even saved King Nebuchnezzar who was chief of Baal religion under a new marketing brand called Babylon, gateway to heaven, using human power.

Re 3:15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

This is a kind loving rebuke

Re 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Jesus invites us to repent and turn homward to Him.

( 205 ) Isa 5:18 ¶ Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity , and sin "chatta'ah" as it were with a cart rope :

.. cords of vanity and sin-offering ..

( 206 ) Isa 6:7 And he laid it upon my mouth , and said , Lo, this hath touched thy lips ; and thine iniquity is taken away , and thy sin "chatta'ah" purged .

.. is taken away and thy sin-offering .. The errors of our guilt is removed. The sin-offering is purged.

( 207 ) Isa 27:9 By this therefore shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged ; and this is all the fruit to take away his sin "chatta'ah"; when he maketh all the stones of the altar as chalkstones that are beaten in sunder , the groves and images shall not stand up .

.. the fruit to take away his sin-offering ..

( 208 ) Isa 30:1 ¶ Woe to the rebellious children , saith the LORD , that take counsel , but not of me; and that cover with a covering , but not of my spirit , that they may add sin "chatta'ah" to sin "chatta'ah":

.. .. spirit that they may add sin-offering ..they may add sin to sin-offering .. Can God like adding sin-offering to sin-offering ? No, such concept demonstrates rebellious children. We are not to continue on sinning more wilfully trampling on Jesus torah of salvation while expecting Jesus'; torah of salvation to work in you. Sooner or later one master will die. Ye cannot serve two masters. See studies on mammon.

( 209 ) Isa 40:2 Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem , and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished , that her iniquity is pardoned : for she hath received of the LORD'S hand double for all her sins "chatta'ah".

.. double for all her sin-offering .. Why does the Saviour's hand do the sin-offering twice or double ? What does double mean here ? It seems many are blocking the salvation good news by being slack about salvation. They become a stumbling block to others wanting salvation.

( 210 ) Isa 43:24 Thou hast bought me no sweet cane with money , neither hast thou filled me with the fat of thy sacrifices : but thou hast made me to serve with thy sins "chatta'ah", thou hast wearied me with thine iniquities .

.. hast made me to serve with thy sin-offering .. Jesus is sick and tired of the sin-offerings because the guilt comes again and again and again. Jesus is not some shop where you can purchase pardon with money or some cheap prayer. Neither can you keep on sinning and trampling over His laws and disregarding them.

Sin-offering theme

Created by Rob Thompson. Hosted since 10/01/2012.

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