( 31 ) Ps 94:10 He that chastiseth the heathen , shall not he correct "yakach"? he that teacheth man knowledge , shall not he know?
.. the heathen shall not he rebuke ..
( 32 ) Ps 105:14 He suffered no man to do them wrong : yea, he reproved "yakach" kings for their sakes;
.. do them wrong yea, he rebuke ..
( 33 ) Ps 141:5 ¶ Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness : and let him reprove "yakach" me; it shall be an excellent oil , which shall not break my head : for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities . {me; it shall be a...: or, me kindly, and reprove me; let not their precious oil break, etc}
.. shall be a kindness and let him rebuke ..
( 34 ) Pr 3:12 For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth "yakach"; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth .
.. the LORD loveth he rebuke even a a father his son..
The pictograph meaning of "yakach" is the "Hand"Palms"active"outside".
This could be a picture of a Dad outside spanking his son with his palms
of his arms. Or being kinder with instruction. Or waving the finger. Or
talking to him. All these pictures the Bible shows us about "yakach".
( 35 ) Pr 9:7 He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame : and he that rebuketh "yakach" a wicked man getteth himself a blot .
.. himself shame and he that rebuke ..
( 36 ) Pr 9:8 Reprove "yakach" not a scorner , lest he hate thee: rebuke "yakach" a wise man , and he will love thee.
.. .. rebuke ..scorner lest he hate thee: rebuke ..
( 37 ) Pr 15:12 ¶ A scorner loveth not one that reproveth "yakach" him: neither will he go unto the wise .
.. loveth not one that rebuke ..
( 38 ) Pr 19:25 ¶ Smite a scorner , and the simple will beware : and reprove "yakach" one that hath understanding , and he will understand knowledge . {will beware: Heb. will be cunning}
.. simple will beware and rebuke ..
( 39 ) Pr 24:25 But to them that rebuke "yakach" him shall be delight , and a good blessing shall come upon them. {a good...: Heb. a blessing of good}
.. rebuke ..
( 40 ) Pr 25:12 As an earring of gold , and an ornament of fine gold , so is a wise reprover "yakach" upon an obedient ear .
.. fine gold so is a wise rebuke upon an obedient ear ..
The instruction of word upon the ear of a mind that listens and obeys
is compared to the fine gold of jewelry.
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