STEPS TO JESUS Step 1: "The Saviour Principle " Q2: How are you travelling in your life ? Ho 2:5 For ( we) hath played the harlot: ...(we) go after ( our) lovers,
that give ( us) bread and (us) water, and (us) wool and (our) flax, oil and
drink. 6 Therefore, behold, Jesus will hedge up (our) way with thorns,
and make a wall, that (we) shall not find ( our carnal ) paths.
We love playing with the world and having intimacy with the world.
We love to sow broadly our seeds across many cultures, people groups
and strong authorites over us, this being ourselves, Satan and God.
Jesus tries to protect us from enemies with a wall of thorns, as Ancient
nomads do to corral the sheep in thorn bushes to protect them from
predators. But we lament the thorns, instead of seeing the protection
and chase after our lovers, the indulgence pleasures of luxury, ease and
non responsibilites.
Have you experienced this ? Have you reached the end of your rope yet ?
Like the prodigal son, are you ready to come home to the Family of God ?
May God bless us, coming to our senses. Shalom
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