HYPOTHESIS: What does the Hebrew word "chamad" mean ? INTRODUCTION: The King James translates this word mostly as "desire". In the Ten Commandments the translators chose a strong English word "covet" for "chamad". While this is OK, this website is about making language translations consistent and as close to the orginal cultural meaning of Hebrew as possible. The down side to this is some may consider "desire" a weak word, since our English culture today has become more sinful. Thus older words lose their moral impact. That may be so, but in reality the word "desire" is as strong as the word "lust", in fact stronger. In the New Testament we see Jesus use the word "desire" to explain the sin of looking at a woman. So the orginal hebrew word carries intense deep and emotional meanings. We often think Jesus made the meanings of Hebrew words in His day more deeper. Actually the words were deeper all along. It's just sinful cultures tend to decay Hebrew words over time. METHOD: See all verses in the Bible that use "chamad". See further studies to show how this website beleives all the Bible was orginally written in Hebrew. Hence the Hebrew meaning carries into the New Testment scriptures. CONCLUSION: The meaning of the Hebrew word "chamad" is desire. PICTURE: PERSONAL APPLICATION: The Bible speaks of three moral sins that will keep us out of heaven. These sins parallel the Father's Ten commandment relationship principles. 1Jo 2:16 For all that is in the world, a servant to Satan's world the lust of the flesh, (1) pride ->desire -> appetite and the lust of the eyes, (2) pride -> desire -> people & property and the pride of life, (3) pride -> family control & life control is not of the Father, but is of the world. (KJV) So you can see "desire" is a really BIG sin ! Pride is a rising of yourself as your own strong authority. Proud people want to live, think and do as they please. Desire is a choice going on in your mind, you are "outside flowing to open a door". Pride is a position thing...do you acknowledge other stronger authorities over you? Or you ignore them, and want to be your own strong authority ? The next time you are tempted to DESIRE or COVET, think about the CHOICE you are making, the door you are about to open. Especially the desire for self power. Jesus is all about relationships. Relationships have structure. Structurally I must position myself as subordinate to Jesus, so I can be lifted up as His friend. Structurally I must empower myself with His power always, so we do things together. I cannot do these things if I keep opening doors that are not good for me to open... Such is our child like mind learning about "desire". Shalom DISCUSSION: There are 19 verses in the Old Testament that use desire. There are 37 verses in the New Testament that use desire. The Greek word "epithumia" is the same word as the Hebrew "chamad". There are16 verses in the New Testament that use desire. The Greek word "epithumeo" is the same word as the Hebrew word "chamad".
If you have doubts that Verbs and Nouns, (words with same spelling) are really the same Hebrew words with similar meanings, click here for studies.
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