STEPS TO JESUS Q4: Where are you ?
The most difficult question ever asked by GOD after man
sinned was "Where are you ?"
Ge 3:9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto
him, Where art thou?
So my friend, "Where are you ?" Where are you going in your
life? Why are you here on this website ? Have you reached the
end of your rope yet ? Do you know much about yourself ?
Do you know you're a sinner ? Or why you love to sin ?
The Ancient Hebrew rope letter got lost over the years,
because Satan wanted it like this. The letter means the
twisting rope. It refers to all the dark things in one's life,
especially the guilt from our sins. The twisting ropes
around our soul. Have you ever wondered why the phrase
"at the end of our rope " comes from ? An ancient Hebrew
letter ! You can never make a decision to be willing for a
Saviour, until you reach the end of your rope !
Please take a moment to ponder your answers to these
questions, BEFORE clicking on any more hyperlinks.
God bless you. Shalom