Q14:Final touches Notice the bore pump make need a daylight switch so it pumps only during solar sunshine hours, not at night hours. Notice the water bore pump is a big consumer of power, 20 A and 600 W. It lifts water 29 metres head and with a deliver of 0.2 litres per second. That is about 12 litres per minute. Or 700 litres per hour, or 150 gallons per hour. Not much of a pump, but our bore is not much of a bore. Tested the bore pump water output ( Feb 2022) with a bucket and counted the seconds to fill the vessel. The flow rate is still about 0.2 litres per second. Good, my pump, which is over 12months old is still going OK. The next biggest 240 volt appliance is our water pump. This consumes 17 Amp and 500 Watt. And runs mostly at morning and evening. We try to give this pump a rest during the day hours, as the Inverter gets hot, from hours of use. Adding the 24VDC 18 Watt T8 four foot LED tube. These consume 0.75Amps each one, at 24VDC, with a brightness of 1700 lumens, very bright. They last 30,000 hours but cost $50 each. Notice pull cord switch (red arrow) Close up, you install the mounting bracket A, Click on the LED base, than add cord B, but remove the end first to check polarity of LED base, look for red wires, and mark the end with red tape C. Also mark the wire E with red tape, Connect negative end F. Notice the heavy duty 24VDC cable 6mm2 for the wiring, G. This carries the current and saves volt drops if you use a pull cord switch. The cable is set neatly in it's own plastic conduit H. A close up of the lounge room/ bedroom with the wires covered over by the plastic square conduit, that clicks on. A view of our main bedroom so far, with pull cord, (red circle, red arrow). The T8 LED is placed on the timber beam running across the room, rather than going up unto the high timber ceiling which is over 3m in height. The ceiling is timber T&G with tin plate pattern edges, over 130 years old as a room. Possibly an executive railway house for the old railway station that used to run in olden times. Next I consider a MPPT problem, the current is going into the batteries fully 100%, no slowing down, no reaching float? Why is this?
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