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Jesus afflicts us to save us..

( 11 ) Job 24:14 The murderer rising with the light killeth the poor "`aniy" and needy , and in the night is as a thief .

.. the light killeth the afflicted .. Interesting saying, the murderer rising is Satan..rising with the light... Satan was called the light bearer...and carried Jesus' light once in heaven... Now on earth Satan carries his own kill the humble...

( 12 ) Job 29:12 Because I delivered the poor "`aniy" that cried , and the fatherless , and him that had none to help him.

.. afflicted ..

( 13 ) Job 34:28 So that they cause the cry of the poor to come unto him, and he heareth the cry of the afflicted "`aniy".

.. the cry of the afflicted .. the cry of the humble

( 14 ) Job 36:6 He preserveth not the life of the wicked : but giveth right to the poor "`aniy". {poor: or, afflicted}

.. but giveth right to the afflicted .. but giveth right to the humble

( 15 ) Job 36:15 ¶ He delivereth the poor "`aniy" in his affliction "`aniy", and openeth their ears in oppression . {poor: or, afflicted}

.. .. afflicted ..the poor in his afflicted ..

( 16 ) Ps 9:12 When he maketh inquisition for blood , he remembereth them: he forgetteth not the cry of the humble "`aniy". {humble: or, afflicted}

.. the cry of the afflicted ..

( 17 ) Ps 9:18 For the needy shall not alway be forgotten : the expectation of the poor "`aniy" shall not perish for ever .

.. the expectation of the afflicted ..

( 18 ) Ps 10:2 The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor "`aniy": let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined . {The wicked...: Heb. In the pride of the wicked he doth persecute}

.. his pride doth persecute the afflicted ..

( 19 ) Ps 10:9 He lieth in wait secretly as a lion in his den : he lieth in wait to catch the poor "`aniy": he doth catch the poor "`aniy", when he draweth him into his net . {secretly: Heb. in the secret places}

.. .. lieth in wait to catch the afflicted ..poor he doth catch the afflicted .. The lion waits for a victim to pounce upon and control and eat to death... The lion is a symbol of Jesus and of Satan... Satan is a lion that waits to pounce on us with the idea of destroying us Jesus is a lion that waits to pounce on us at the right time to catch our attention to His salvation and save us.

Can you see a difference to attitude ? And Jesus cannot pounce on you unless you are humble. Humble people on this planet are afflicted because Satan afflicts them.

( 20 ) Ps 10:12 ¶ Arise , O LORD ; O God , lift up thine hand : forget not the humble "`aniy". {humble: or, afflicted}

.. hand forget not the afflicted ..

Afflicted theme

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