Q80: 87. "To My Father, and Your Father" Show the Desire of Ages is inspired.. (1) Jesus leaves from Mount Olives As the place of His ascension, Jesus chose the spot so often hallowed by His presence while He dweltamong men. Not Mount Zion, the place of David's city, not Mount Moriah, the temple site, was to bethus honored. There Christ had been mocked and rejected. There the waves of mercy, still returning ina stronger tide of love, had been beaten back by hearts as hard as rock. Thence Jesus, weary and heartburdened,had gone forth to find rest in the Mount of Olives. The holy Shekinah, in departing from thefirst temple, had stood upon the eastern mountain, as if loath to forsake the chosen city; so Christ stoodupon Olivet, with yearning heart overlooking Jerusalem. The groves and glens of the Page 830 mountain had been consecrated by His prayers and tears. Its steeps had echoed the triumphant shouts ofthe multitude that proclaimed Him king. On its sloping descent He had found a home with Lazarus atBethany. In the garden of Gethsemane at its foot He had prayed and agonized alone. From thismountain He was to ascend to heaven. Zec 14:4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. During the THIRD COMING of Jesus to earth, His feet touches the Mount of Olives, the same place during the Second Coming, that Jesus left earth to return to heaven. Upon its summit His feet will rest when He shall come again.Not as a man of sorrows, but as a glorious and triumphant king He will stand upon Olivet, whileHebrew hallelujahs mingle with Gentile hosannas, and the voices of the redeemed as a mighty hostshall swell the acclamation, "Crown Him Lord of all! How many believers speak of the THIRD COMING of Jesus? Notice where this event happens.Do not be deceived if one comes as "Jesus" is a flying space ship and walks on the earth, but not first upon the Mount of Olives. (2) The SOP uses the term Family.. The Spirit of Prophecy says ... The family of heaven and the family of earth are one. For us our Lord ascended, and for us He lives. "Wherefore He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them." Heb. 7:25. Where does it say in the Holy Writings, that Elohiym is a family in heaven ? Eph 3:14 ¶ For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, If the Father and the Son are members of the heavenly Family, (this is the only place in the OT or NT that the term "family" is used to reference "Elohiym"), the following verse also references the Holy Spirit, which by logic is also a member of the heavenly family. For more see So concludes the Author's study of the Desire of Ages. We trust the study was useful to beleivers alike, those of us who lack the ability to read the Hebrew behind our Bible translations have no excuse, for the Spirit of Prophecy is a Hebrew to English translation of the Holy Writings, in a language we can read God's truth. Shalom |
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