Q22 False church Doctrine... ? Notice what happens when people get the wrong messages from the Church... Notice the affects of false church doctrine... RALPH MACKIN: IN THE WEEK OF PRAYER READING FOR THAT YEAR, EVERY ARTICLE WAS DIRECTED TO THE PEOPLE TO SEEK FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT. WE SET ASIDE IN OUR LITTLE CHURCH THREE DAYS FOR FASTING AND PRAYER, AND WE FASTED AND PRAYED FOR THREE DAYS--THAT IS, NOT CONSTANTLY TOGETHER, BUT WE FELT THE NEED OF A DEEPER WORK AND FELT THE NECESSITY OF COMING INTO POSSESSION OF MORE OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD. Mr and Mrs Mackin were practicing the increase in the power of the Holy Spirit, driving out demons in Jesus Name. They were also fasting and praying to increase their prayer power. And thus they believed they were doing all things right, and thus were shown signs of success with people cleansed through the prayers on their behalf. How does one therefore discern correctly the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our lives? to be valid and true, rather than Fanaticism and false? R. MACKIN: IF THE HOLY SPIRIT TELLS US THAT OUR WORK IS DONE NOW, WE WILL GO; IF HE TELLS US TO TARRY, WE WILL TARRY. IT LEADS US. AS I HAVE PRESENTED THIS MESSAGE TO DIFFERENT CONGREGATIONS THE SPIRIT OF GOD HAS WITNESSED TO IT, AND MANY WEEP, AND THEY SAY, "OH, WE NEED POWER, WE NEED HELP, AND THIS IS THE POWER PROMISED, AND LET US SEEK GOD." {3SM 370.3} As I was reading this story, I was impressed they were doing things right until I read Mr Mackin's remarks about the way He described the Holy Spirit as a "He", I knew immediately something was wrong....But does the Church know this is also wrong? Notice the vision Ellen White received about the Mackin's later... Your wife, in speech, in song, and in strange exhibitions that are not in accordance with the genuine work of the Holy Spirit, is helping to bring in a phase of fanaticism that would do great injury to the cause of God, if allowed any place in our churches. {3SM 376.2} How can we become a church united in Jesus, if we differ reading our Scriptures so ? We would come together burdened in soul, praying that we might be one in faith and doctrine; for we knew that Christ is not divided. One point at a time was made the subject of investigation. Solemnity characterized these councils of investigation. The Scriptures were opened with a sense of awe. Often we fasted, that we might be better fitted to understand the truth. {CD 187.5} We should study the Scriptures carefully to make sure we have all things as the Scriptures describes them...in the way the Hebrew words were penned....all the Scriptures...not just the NT and the OT as well...we need to read the Hebrew, as this was the language GOD chose first to speak to man...it is important we catch what GOD intended to say...not glean so called truth via a human translation...but catch the true truth from the Hebrew themselves... Study the Scriptures with prayer and fasting ... See studies that the Holy Spirit as feminine. Here is another article example written by M D Burt in April 2102, Source of Article From ministry magazine: " After writing of the “one question which has been much controverted,” that is, “the personality of the Spirit,” he described the “Spirit of God” as “that awful and mysterious power which proceeds from the throne of the universe.”5 In 1878, Uriah Smith answered the question “What is the Holy Spirit?” by writing, “In a word it may, perhaps, best be described as a mysterious influence emanating from the Father and the Son, their representative and the medium of their power.”6 Both men remained respectful of the mysterious nature of the Holy Spirit. In 1878, D. M. Canright, in a more argumentative and apologetic two-part article, explicitly rejected the personhood of the Holy Spirit, “The Holy Spirit is not a person, not an individual, but is an influence or power proceeding from the Godhead.” This is a reference to the Holy Spirit as a "medium" something the SOP talks about as a word. A medium carries or acts an agency for another power flowing through it. Hence why the "medium function" is termed "it". The Hebrew word "ruwach" translated a "wind" tells you "wind" is a "flow of energy" carried in "media" called air. This functional affect of allowing a flow of energy to affect other things is called a "medium affect" and this is a common function of the Holy Spirit. Ellen G. White’s writings are particularly rich in regard to the Holy Spirit, often referring to Him in both her published and unpublished writings. In fact, she refers to the Holy Spirit almost as often as to Jesus. Mr Burt needs to study why does Ellen White reference the Holy Spirit as a "he" or "him" ? The Holy Spirit is more likely a "functional simile" of a "she" or "her". Study the references in the SOP "her wings". See: Comments on the article by humans:- Don Edstrom • 2 years ago "The personhood of the Holy Spirit is clear from Mrs. White's writings, but what about the gender? For the simple her use of the masculine demonstrative pronoun, "He" along with the scriptures it seem obvious enough. But what about these folks who argue for a feminine holy spirit based on certain Hebrew words, "ruah" and so forth? Any comments for the layman who does read or understand Hebrew or the original Greek? Silas Marner Don Edstrom • a year ago God has no gender! "He" is the generic gender. It is only the problem brought on by gender rights people, LGBTs, women's movement, etc. that make this an issue. I say again: God has no gender! So the Holy Spirit being God has no gender.....this is not an issue. If one wants to take up the gender issue, then making it to the kingdom is key where God will have an answer for that. God Bless! Faithback Don Edstrom • 2 years ago That's just English. There are many languages that do not have gender specific pronouns, in which case there is no question whatsoever. Secondly, why would divinity require gender? What for? Consider well that the western identity paradigm is not supported by scripture. Jesus explicitly said that a man's worth does not consist in the things he possesses. This would include, I presume, chromosomes, hormones, tissues and organs that he possesses or lacks. According to the Holy Writings, the use of "ruach" or "ruwach" (different spellings) the grammar of this word is "feminine" and the associated pronouns with it is "her" as long as no other masculine reference is present, that is a rule in Hebrew, as the masculine takes dominance over the feminine in a community setting. Thus there is only one OT writing showing the Holy Spirit as "ruwach" with the pronoun "her". Ho 4:19 The wind (holy Spirit) hath bound her up in her wings, and they shall be ashamed because of their sacrifices.(KJV) In a community setting, the presence of masculine and feminine grammar cases of Hebrew, the masculine pronoun "he" is used. There is only one Writing in the OT that does this, most profoundly: Ps 91:1 ¶ He that dwelleth in the secret place of the "most High" (Father reference) shall abide under the shadow (you need two distinct Beings to make a shadow) of the Almighty (Shadday - Holy Spirit reference). Ps 91:4 He (reference to Father) shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Either the Father has "wings" or "coverings of power flowing like a bird", or this is a reference to the "Holy Spirit and her wings" but in a community setting this is referenced as "his wings". "God has no gender" Interesting comment....only one Holy Writing writes about this question:- Ge 1:27 So God (Elohiym - a community reference) created man in his ( in Hebrew in a community setting the maculine grammar pronoun "he" is used) own image, in the image of God (Elohiym- a community reference) created he him; male and female created he them. It is very obvious here Elohiym engineers mankind as functionally gender male and functionally gender female, as an image of how Elohiym functions. An image is a simile of something that looks or functions similar to something else.One should not out of respect to GOD as a community say anything about this verse --- there are plenty of Writings that show Elohiym functions as a provider and protector (what maleness-love does) and also as one who nurtures and networks (what femaleness-love does). There are only two Hebrew words for love, not one or three, and these two Hebrew words align with the image of gender male and gender female, suggesting love has distinct personality differences in how community love operates within Elohiym. As for the function role of procreation, this function is genetically switched off in heaven, as Jesus said mankind in heaven would not be given to marry or marriage. During the fall many genes were switched on, after the fall many genes are switched off, are no longer expressed. "Secondly, why would divinity require gender? What for?" The functional purpose of gender differences in heaven, is to allow functional differences in the way "love" is expressed.There are two Hebrew words for "love" not one, as most people assume. These two love words are expressed differently in gender males and gender females. The two love words cause personallity differences in the way gender males of gender females love each other in personal and community settings. See Nevertheless, Seventh-day Adventist doctrine is established through the authority of Scripture rather than through the writings of Ellen G. White. Mrs. White understood her prophetic role was to bring people to the Bible as the final authority and the basis for all faith and practice. She wrote in her first published tract: “I recommend to you, dear reader, the word of God as the rule of your faith and practice.”31 Mr Burt does not consider Jesus wrote the SOP as a translation of the Hebrew writings into English. Most SDA do not read the Writings in Hebrew, many assume the NT writings was orginally written i n Greek, .... rather than Hebrew, and so we trust translators, who make fuzzy the meanings of the original words. The SOP is the clearest Hebrew translation into English we have, but many SDA people do not know this fact.However Jesus writing English in the SOP, has to deal with fuzzy translations in the NT and OT, and so quotes these translations so not to cause doubt to the validity of His WORD. Many of us do not STUDY correctly, or seek the gems of Jesus word in the SOP or the Hebrew writings. God bless your suppport of Jesus and your growing in Jesus in the light you receive. Shalom |
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