Q:7. Show Ancient Hebrew pictographs: YHWH The Scriptures use the "Sacred Name" YHWH, lots. These letters were never spoken by Jews, and they were careful to write the "sacred name" down. The Jews even invented "Adonay" as another Name, so as not to write the "Sacred Name" so often. When the pious Jews did this they did not select YHWH randomly for Adonay, and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it seems the use of Adonay is actually a reference to Jesus-YHWH in the Old Testament. See studies that Jesus is Lord Adonay YHWH. Some say the "Sacred Name" is really the Name of GOD. I don't think so. In Hebrew, names are similes of character, and verbs of action, or verbs of function. The "sacred name" really means the verb, "He exists". However let's look at what Ancient Hebrew pictures says about the "Sacred Name" YHWH.
The modern common spelling is weird. Y and H refer to the same letters, yet they are different??? According to Ancient Hebrew spelling the "sacred name" is spelled as "EFEL". Very different hey? What is interesting about the "Sacred Name" is there are two Beings who exist in the word. That's amazing isn't it? Ge 19:24 ¶ Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;
Here are two "YHWH" in two different locations at the BOTH the same time.
Here we see "Father" is a "Strong Authority" who is "secure" "Behold the Being!".
So one heavenly member of the Godhead, remains secure in heaven.
In the OT is the phrase "malak YHWH".
The Ancient pictograph for "malak" is
The pictographs read "The flowing Authority (is) strong (on the) palms"
This is the idea of one carrying a "message" in one's palms on behalf of another Authority.
In ancient times such people were called "messengers". Today we might call them "ambassadors".
The KJV often translate "malak" as "angel", but the word should be "messenger" not "angel", although
sometimes a heavenly angel might be a messenger, often the messenger can be a human on earth, and often the messenger is Jesus for His Father.
See a small study on messenger "malak".
Now let us check another picture in the OT. This is also a verb meaning to rescue, to save or to be a Saviour.
This verb of action was given to a baby:-
Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. (KJV)
Now let's put this verse in Hebrew common spelling:-
Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name YASHA: for he shall "yasha" his people from their sins.
Now let's do the pictographs for this word:-
The pictographs read : "The flow secure (and) pressed sees. Behold the Being!" Wow what a long list of functions of action given to our Saviour!
Some modern believers say we should call Jesus, Yeshua.
I don't think so. First these letters are not correct according to Ancient Hebrew, and this assumes
Ancient Hebrew spelling is correct as well. According to Ancient Hebrew, our Saviour is spelled as "Mfshoe" Very different hey?
So there is nothing wrong
with calling our Saviour Jesus, nothing to be gained calling Him Yasha or Yeshua either. They are not Names anyway...Hebrew does not have Names as we think of them.
When you look at the two pictures "messenger YHWH" and "Saviour"
we see the pictograph first pictured is "flowing" or "flow".
Now when something flows,
it must have a SOURCE and a medium representing the flow, and a Person carrying the flow.
The source is the Father, secure in heaven. The messenger for the Father is Jesus, who carrys His Father's flow
in His palms, secure and pressed, and looks over the earth, for people to present this message of the Father to His own.
Thus we can safely conclude the verse reads as follows:
Ge 19:24 ¶ Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;
The LORD JESUS a messenger for His Father in heaven, carrys the flow from heaven to earth.
Now if there are sceptics there are two YHWH's in the OT, what about these verses?
And even whole chapters speak of typologies and symbols of many members within the Godhead:-
How exciting and interesting it is to read Scripture in pictures, typologies and symbols.
Indeed Scripture is mostly poetry and we have to look for these word pictures. That's what poetry is lots of word pictures.
On the next web page we look at more Ancient Hebrew word pictures.
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