Q5: Scripture Secrets : Pictographs In the beginning, for about 200 years after the Great Flood, people spoke a Semitic language similar to Hebrew, using "one lip". This language would have been the same as the one GOD gave Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden times. Such a language would have been sophisticated but totally oral. God impressed my conscience with this thought, that He gave Adam and Eve a language of "one lip" for a reason. The sounds spoken from the "one lip" were "picture sounds". Therefore "language" begins with "picture sounds" of what we call today "letters". Scholars have become mixed with mixing, so many scholars assume wrongly that letters serve no function in words of language. The "one lip language" Adam and Eve spoke was a "poetry language" based on "picture sounds". When the "one lip language" was finally written down, every "picture sound" was a "recording of a broad picture it represented" (there was no need of words, the letters have meaning already, and thus there is no need of words per se'). Originally nothing was written down because the people, who became advanced had perfect memories, remembered all the things they spoke about or invented, so things did not need recording. However, after the Great Flood, the when the oral memory began to fade, people began to write this Semitic language down on clay, or papyrus or animal skins. When the Semitic language was broken up by the mixing of sounds, different peoples who could understand each another tried to piece their language together as spoken sounds, and they began to write their language down so they could remember it more easily. But this process of "writing their version of a broken Semitic language" down on parchment took time and development. The Author suspects GOD chose a group of special people to preserve something similar to the original Semitic language God gave mankind, through a special people group known as Hebrews. Thus Ancient Hebrew is the "mother of all languages", since all modern languages can be traced back to Ancient Hebrew, because this language best preserves the original Semitic language. And so Eber, a pioneer of Abram, began with his family line of others, to write down and preserve this Semitic language, as best as they could, using a written recording system based on their "picture sounds" as "picture letters". What they wrote down were 'picture letters', where a 'picture sound' was exactly 'the sound' they would say: The Author is not sure what sounds each 'picture letter' represented, and so to make this pioneer language valid as a theory, just a single 'picture sound' is chosen for each 'picture letter'. For example:- For more, Entire alphabet of Ancient Hebrew. Readers may be surprised how similar Ancient Hebrew letters are to English letters!!! The written 'picture letters' of each spoken 'picture sound' would look like this: The scribes would have written right to left, top to bottom, but w e show it to readers left to right, top to bottom.Notice the letters do not touch each other, and there are no words or word spaces, because each letter is a sound of the lip.Therefore, leaving word spaces is not necessary if one reads the message aloud. Can the reader read this? "Pressing securely home you see (through the) door, (the) active Person, secure Person, (with) palms, (as my) Strong Authority. The second line reads: "You (are) secured (with) palms, active palms pressed (towards the) authority (of the) cross, home walking (with) palms twisting secure. Now this may not be as Ancient Hebrew spoke their sounds because we have assumed they spoke as the letters are written letter by letter left to right. But it still makes sense. You can read this passage. It's an important Hebrew passage. Hosea 14:1 O Israel, return unto the LORD thy God; for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity. (KJV) And the bit we actually read was:- Hosea 14:1 return unto YHWH; for thou hast fallen by thine guilt. (Ancient Hebrew) The Hebrew word "avon" means "guilt" not "iniquity" as in the KJV. The Ancient Hebrew passage we read included all the prefixs and suffixs as well.What are those? Just extra sounds we say to make our speech flow.In English we use different flowing of sounds, which the Author wrote in (brackets). But this is how Ancient Hebrew looked and would have been spoken. Here is the oldest archeology example showing the sounds "strong authority", the two sounds for also describing "God". Here is a second example: Hosea 14:2 Take with you words, and turn to the LORD (YHWH): "Unknown outside secure, (we) see (the) flow, (the) palms flow (through the) door (of the) home head, And the second line reads: "Securely pressed, securely home, secured (by my) strong authority, (the) active Person, secure Person. Notice the Ancient Hebrew sounds more expressive than English sounding. The sounds repeat with gestures of expression and function. For example "through the door of the home head" refers to the words Jesus wrote and spoke in His teachings, the "home head" are two pictures that represent Jesus as our home head. So coming through the door of our soul are the words of Jesus, the "home head". For example in English we say "take with you words", refers to the "Faith like way we support" Jesus. But in Ancient Hebrew we say "Unknown outside secure, (we) see (the) flow, (the) palms flow (through the) door (of the) home head. This is a picture of the unknown flow of GOD's power secure for us to handle, we see the flow, when our palms in prayer flow, through the door of our soul to our "home head", a picture of Jesus, as the head of my salvation at my home. And in English we say "turn to the LORD": This is very sharp and brief. But in Ancient Hebrew we say ""Securely pressed, securely home, secured (by my) strong authority, (the) active Person, secure Person." When the people began reading their picture sounds, they saw the sounds as groups of sounds and thus began to see "words".This is commonly done as two pictured sounds. For example, Notice King David's time:- For more, Origin of Ancient Hebrew Near the finger of the archeologist, we can see: And to the right another letter: Mockers will mock all this of course. There are scholars in Jewish universities who say King David never existed. So if readers are not careful, confusion abounds and "truth" is mixed with the mixing of men. Why do mockers mock? Because they do not want you to know Jesus, any more than they care to know Jesus (which they don't care for Jesus). In their pride, they even refuse to study the matter, so in their mixed minds the mixing makes them mock. When GOD chooses to mix "truth" from the eyes of wickedness, He does not "destroy" the "truth" but only hides it, while preserving it. Thus we can uncover much of Ancient Hebrew because it's preserved inside the letters of modern Hebrew script. Here is the Hosea 14:1 verse again in Ancient Hebrew with both Ancient Hebrew pictographs and modern Hebrew letters above, so the reader can read along seeing both.You will notice the Author begins to group certain picture sounds as words, such as "sinner" , YHWH and GOD. These are presented in "square groupings". Try reading the most important passage in all of Scripture. The Steps to Jesus. The Science of Salvation. Notice both Ancient Hebrew script and Modern Hebrew script are shown, and even the Author begins to group some "picture sounds" into groupings known as "words". Learning the stucture of language is really theory. It is really more important to learn salvation instead... For more, about salvation, see So picture sounds began to be seen as "words", most of these early "words" consisted of only "two picture sounds". The Hebrew language developed "words" based on these "two picture letter sounds". The words could become larger and more complex when a third or fourth letter was added to the "parent word". When this was done, the basic two letter word was the parent meaning of the other words which developed from it. Jeff's research brings to us why languages have letters in the first place. Thus the Ancient Hebrew pictographs are a very important part of the commnication process in Scripture, and modern translators miss this aspect entirely. But the origin and development of language is not really necessary to our salvation in Jesus. However the Author recommends readers learning Ancient Hebrew from Jeff Benner. Here for example is a word meaning "wounded" and all the related meanings to the idea. Notice the way added letters make slightly different meanings to "wounded", the suggested meanings by the Author. Now consider this complex Ancient Hebrew word, which is an important word:- After the "Tower of mixing (Babel)" (201 years after the Flood, or about 2400 BC) , Noah's descendent's ( Noah was the father of the Chinese), wrote "faith" as "three picture sounds","man", "confess" and "mouth". Both Ancient Chinese and Ancient Hebrew have similar picture sounds within the same word "faith".Both have a man speaking. Examples such as these, with Chinese pictographs and Ancient Hebrew pictographs showing similar themes for the same word, strengthens the theory that "pictographs" work across world languages, if we know where to look for them. But GOD has mixed Ancient Hebrew with invasion of different peoples, such as the Babylonian influence, so we have mixed the early forms of Ancient Hebrew with adopted roots and so on. This means the mixing spoils the purity of Ancient Hebrew as a language, but does not destroy how we can understand the meaning of GOD's words in Scripture. Let's now show readers how Scripture words are spoiled by translators because they did not know about Ancient Hebrew, and in the mixed world of mixing we all live in, translators did the best they could. The best translation for beginners, is the King James version, because they translate each Hebrew word with a English word. The problem with KJV as a Bible is the translators used a variety of English words for the same Hebrew word because they wanted a 'sounded Bible', as most people in the olden days could not read or write, so they listened to the WORD spoken to them in English. So much of reading our Scripture in Ancient Hebrew meaning is to find out what was the Hebrew meaning behind the word. That is a child's only goal. Not syntax, or grammar or learning to speak Hebrew. Or increasing our theory in word meanings. No. We just want to know what the Hebrew word means. What God says the word means. Not some human dictionary or human translator. We never rely on Strong's dictionary. We never rely on different translations of the Bible. Now what we are talking about right now, is what scholars term "transcription" of Scripture. The Author places this scholar word here for readers who are mixed with understanding, and may need to know where the Author is going. Is Scripture accurately preserved? The answer is yes. How can be certain of this? Because GOD says so and promises so in Scripture itself. Ps 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. (KJV) Reader can't read the Hebrew here? Ps 12:6 imrah YHWH tahowr imrah: (Hebrew without prefix or suffix) Readers can read the Hebrew without prefix or suffix. In other words, we want to read just the words, not the speech. What do the words mean. Not what the speech or sentence is saying. We need to know what "imrah" is, as it is written twice. Here are the four Hebrew words in this Scripture Verse. Let's read it in Ancient Hebrew: Psalm 12:6 "The strong flow (of) Authority (from) Jesus. (The) active Jesus. (The) secure Father. (The) covering (of) Jesus secures (your) head. (The) strong flow (of) Authority (from) Jesus." (Ancient Hebrew pictographs) Powerful stuff isn't it? Makes sense as we read it. The English words in (brackets) are required to help the sounds flow as speech. We call them in language "prefixes and suffixs, and grammar stuff" Now you should be able to do this for any special Hebrew Scripture at the Ancient Hebrew pictograph level, and gain meaning. But a word of warning, scholars will scoff, and mockers mock. How can they do this? Because not all Scripture will do this...Why not? the words of Scripture are mixed remember. But we are not talking about words, but about the "imrah". What's that? The strong flow of Authority from Jesus. That's what "imrah" m eans according to the Ancient Hebrew pictographs.Sure you can find small word errors in Scripture even though transcription process was exacting, but the "imrah" is preserved, if we know how to go looking for it. Here is another powerful verse about the "special words of Jesus" Pr 30:5 Every word of God is pure: (KJV) Reader can't read the Hebrew here? imrah eloah tsaraph (Hebrew without prefix and suffix) Here are three special words. The Hebrew word "eloah" is an old name for the heavenly Father. Let's read this Scripture based on Ancient Hebrew pictographs: "(The) strong flow (of) authority (from) Jesus. (The) strong authority secured (by our) Father. (The) travelling head speaks." (Ancient Hebrew pictographs) The passage seems to suggest the strong flow of authority is from the Father, not from Jesus. But what picture is a travelling head speaking about? A travelling head is a messenger, a medium, a carrier of words from another Being.If we know the sacred name is "The active Jesus. The secure Father" we would expect both authorities to be one authority of harmony. And this is what this scripture is about. The words of Jesus come via the words of the Father. If you look at the KJV, they add words in English to make the speech flow: Pr 30:5 (Every) word (of) God (is) pure:(KJV) But those words in (brackets) are not in the Hebrew, or Ancient Hebrew. The Ancient Hebrew presents the three Hebrew words as poetry. Let's arrange the poetry a little for the reader: "(The) travelling head speaks: Does the passage make sense now? When Scripture speaks to us you get the words of Jesus and the words of the Father.We call this affect in language a "simile". The language style is called "poetry". So if things do not read well, perhaps we are looking at the flow wrong. Try looking at it as poetry.Over 70% of Scripture is poetry, so we need to get used to it. One last thing about how the Semitic language originally, is the concept of action. Sadly today we label words spoiling this concept of action. The Hebrews had two concepts of action, the incomplete action, we term a verb and the complete action we term a noun. Many Hebrew words have both of these actions in the same word. Have a look at English examples of this.. He went to love her with his love. He will record a record. Farmers produce much produce. Do these words have different meanings? No, but there actions are different. Now consider Bible examples: The plow went out to plow all day. Isa 28:24 Genesis 1:29 I give you every seeding seed. When we come across Hebrew words having a noun and verb form, there meanings must be similar, but there actions different. Such a revelation completely and radically changes much meaning of some words in Scripture. Consider this example of mixing and confusion, if you don't know how Hebrew words flow as actions: De 19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or a t the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. (KJV) The KJV does a good job at translating this, as there are three Hebrew words here all meaning "sin" or "miss". Let's write it more detailed along Ancient Hebrew themes: De 19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any guilt, or for any sin-offering, in any missing that has already taken place; when he does missing: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. (Ancient Hebrew) When a person does missing (chata verb form), the missing becomes completed in actions (chata noun form), and the sinner feels guilt (avon) and is required to make a sin-offering (chataah) for his missing (chat noun form). There are many Hebrew words with verb and noun forms so we need to recognize the actions and related meanings behind these words when they appear. Next we look at scholars who brought us translations of the Scriptures. |
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