Q1: Scripture Secrets : Why Hebrew? In the beginning from Eden times, people spoke "one lip". Ge 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. Every sound Adam made had to have meaning already in it, created initally by GOD, since the "one lip sounds" must have had meanings from the very beginning, so Adam could name "things" immediately. If you never saw "words" before, and your going to invent brand new meanings for things, you need a framework in which to name things. So it is logical to consider the "one lip sounds" Adam spoke had picture meanings from the beginning. Such a language if it was written down, would look like "picture words" which correspond to "one lip sounds", each sound having a meaning already embedded in the picture. Thus a spoken language developed from Eden times as "one lip". Ge 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language (saphah) "lip"; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound (balal) "mix" their language (saphah) "lip", that they may not understand one another's speech (saphah) "lip". 8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel (balal) "mixing"; because the LORD did there confound (balal) "mix" the language (saphah) "lip" of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. If we look over Genesis 11 we find Shem born Arphaxad who born Salah who born Eber, and this happens 199 years or three generations, or 201 years after the Flood. Eber is an ancestor of Abram, and means to cross over. Peleg means divided and most likely refers to the mixing of the "lip". One suspects oral memories were fading, so a written language began around this time. There is a kind of Hebrew, Spiritual Springs calls Ancient Hebrew, that is preserved from this time. We also find similar pictographs from Ancient Chinese as well. This shows that long ago both Ancient Hebrew and Ancient Chinese came from a Semitic script from 2400BC or around the time of the Tower of Babel experience, the mixing of lips by GOD. Both modern Hebrew and modern Chinese still preserve these ancient pictographs if we know how to look for them. In Hebrew, Eve "desired" the fruit, which is similar to "greed". In this example, guilt is shown as the heart full of the devil. The image on the right is Ancient Hebrew pictograph which shows the "twisting secure". While both have differences in pictographs, both do explain "guilt" as a spiritual concept. In this example, faith is shown as a man confessing with his mouth. In the Ancient Hebrew pictograph, faith is shown as "The strong flow secure across the nations by the Man. Behold the Person!" In this example, both Ancient Chinese and Ancient Hebrew Pictographs show similar things. In the Ancient Hebrew we have a "Man", and in Ancient Chinese we have a "man". In Ancient Chinese, the man confesses with his mouth. In Ancient Hebrew, the man speaks a "strong flow". These examples of Ancient Chinese Pictographs show us Ancient Hebrew Pictographs also work along spiritual lines.Therefore the pictograph theory works and helps us understand the meaning of words in God's Holy Writings. Shalom Simple examples like these prove that the "one lip" God gave to Adam and his children also wrote with "one pictograph", in other words the written language consisted of letters that were pictures of ideas forming the spoken language. How do we know Ancient Hebrew was the mother from which all other languages flowed is because Ancient Hebrew pictographs are represented in all the other languages around the world. Here is some of the 2400 Ancient Egyptian pictographs, and how similar some are to Ancient Hebrew pictographs. For example the "C" means "Walking", "M" means "flowing", the "G" means "twisting". There are similar pictograph pictures for "D" as "door", "K" as "palms" and "P" as "mouth". The "Q" is same for both languages, "over the hill" in Egyptian meaning, and "over the horizon" in Ancient Hebrew meaning; both refer to some "unknown" concept. Now of course scholars or mockers can mock this idea of pictograph theory. They wish to become the "learned", so the reader remains the "unlearned". Isa 29:11 And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed: 12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned. 13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: In the place, where the Scriptures say how to read the Scriptures, found in one place across several chapters, it says Scripture is assumed to be sealed, so we instinctively get the "learned" to translate all this mixing for us. Instead, we need the Holy Spirit to help us learn the Scriptures ourselves, so we become "learned". But if you wish to remain "unlearned" you can follow the "the precept of men" and assume their "traditions and scholarship is correct". Mal 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.(KJV) The Author following Jeff Benner's forum deals with fluent speaking Hebrew scholars, that we do not agree with "verbs", "nouns" and even basic grammar reading Hebrew. Some from this forum say Hebrew never had pictograph script? What's this below? This rock carving, had it's inscription's looked at by Douglas Petrovich, in 1999, but his findings were not presented publica lly to the world until 2015, so this research is very recent indeed. Petrovich proposes the pictographs used here is Hebrew, because of the unique "name" "Ahisamach" found in Exodus 38:23. The Author cannot find this "name" on this "rock", so his conclusion, like other scholars have found, is not so convincing. This inscription was also looked at by Douglas Petrovich, found near King David's and Solomon's palace in Jersusalem, on the lip of an old broken pot, near Ophel. It was common it seems to engrave labels on wine jars from wine estates, and Petrovich proposes this old script is the oldest Hebrew script we have found. The Author confirms that "YYN" is there, the Hebrew word "yayin" for wine. The other letters may be the name of the winery estate. So all this recent evidence helps to confirm, Jeff Benner's pictograph form for the oldest Hebrew script is correct after all. Where does reading modern Hebrew grammar come from? The precepts and traditions of men. So one would have to be influenced by their traditional way of reading grammar. Why do we assume reading Hebrew is the way it is? Or has mixing happened in the grammar reading rules as well? We don't know. We do know languages communication methods change over time. For example Hebrew has become complicated with adfixs, apart from simple prefix and suffix, to make root words into speech. For example, modern Hebrew adopted the square script since Babylonian times. Also since Alexander the Great, Jewish Hebrew has become more Greek in it's mixing of ideas. Today the New Testament itself is an example of mixing of Greek translation with Hebrew themes. And the modern language of English is a universal mixing language, where over 35,000 English words can be directly related to Hebrew origins. Some English words are still spelled exactly as Hebrew words like "Amen", "Sabbath" and "Hallelujah". Why did GOD mix language into "many lips" ? To slow down the speed, of dysfunctional flow on the earth. The only thing we know for sure from the past, is the letters have been preserved, but not the rules for reading the letters into words and into speech.The reading of words as speech come from modern rules of the Hebrew language. It is assumed such communication method was the same for Ancient Hebrew Pictograph Script.It may be similar, since the language is stable than other languages, but it may also be different. We don't know. How do we know the Ancient Hebrew Pictograph Script is valid? Because some Hebrew words have meanings that come directly from the meanings of their letters as pictographs. For example, take the translated word as "God", In modern Hebrew this word looks like this The original Hebrew script, looked liked this, the first letter is easy to see, the second letter is drawn over in red by the Author. The modern Hebrew letters do not tell you much about the word do they? But if we show you the letters in a very old Egyptian like script, an Eden like Semitic script called Ancient Hebrew, or Paleo-Hebrew by some scholars...this is very recent research.. Now the Hebrew starts to represent something...assuming the pictures help us with the meaning of the word itself. The letter "A" is a picture of an ox and means "strong". The next picture is a shepherd's staff and means the "Authority" of the shepherd. Thus we can suggest this Ancient Hebrew word, Strong's number 410, means "strong authority", not necessarily God. This is facinating stuff. If the reader wants to learn more: Study of Ancient Hebrew origins Simple look at Ancient Hebrew pictographs Here is are the Hebrew letters: On the right the Author simplifys the meaning of each pictograph to a single functional meaning, to test the pictograph theory at a child like level, for keeping things simple. Next we look at how Scripture tells us how to read Scripture... |
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