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What did original Hebrew language look like ?

Q2: What did original Hebrew language look like ?

Christian scientists are slowly uncovering the original Hebrew language. Many scholars do not admit to any original Hebrew language and say the language was lost. But no, God has preserved His ancient language in modern Hebrew even to this day. While some decay exists, one can find and understand the Ancient Hebrew script.

    ancient script             modern Hebrew script

Here is the Hebrew scripts for GOD. Modern Hebrew letters write right to left, while Ancient Hebrew is shown with letters left to right. Notice each letter in Ancient Hebrew is a picture symbol. Thus reading the letters tell us some meaning about the word. Modern Hebrew is written right to left, but on this website all script is shown left to right, except when modern scripts are shown. The word for GOD in Hebrew was "AL" or "AJ", also known as "el". The word means "the strong authority" or the "strong shepherd". Shalom

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