Creationism properly defined Jeff Benner, from his Ancient Hebrew lexicon, defines "aven" as follows:-
or "The Strong secure Seed over the nations" Comes in postive form I and negative form II From this the Author develops these two meanings for "Aven", as vigor and vanity (its opposite). The Bible has two meanings for the “strong fixed seed” Hebrew “Aven” :- In a positive sense our gene pool can have vigour as it receives the correct functional expression the Intelligent Designer originally designed with those genes. In a negative sense through mutational changes or 'genetic cancer' or environmental factors affecting our epigenetic expression, we see dysfunctional expression of those genes as propensities' towards bad moral behaviour or diseases or deformities of organism's expression. See studies of "aven" or "genetic potential". These "strong fixed seeds" is mostly referenced in Scripture in a negative sense because of the impact of sinwhich caused a dysfunctional impact on the expression of genes the Creator originally engineered and declared to be "very good". So ever since the original sin of mankind, the expression of our gene pool has only ever been more and more dysfunctional over time. We can call this decay in our genetic expression, the Aven Development of propensitives that cause disease; dysfunctional moral behaviour and a general loss of genetic information; caused by the spoiling of the DNA information orignally engineered to be very good.This genetic downhill development of code only spoils the original DNA code that was very good at the beginning of Creation. This destruction of DNA code is increasing at a rapid rate from generation to generation, because genetic copying errors are neutral in expressing phenotype, so the organism cannot get rid of the genetic errors, and so they continue to accumulate, reducing the fitness level of the next generation.
Avo-Devo should not be confused with Evo-Devo , the Evolutionary Development of variation within a certain kind. Within each of the many species in a kind, we can scientifically study the Evolutionary Development of variation, how a new species might arise quickly from another species, because of environmental contrainsts. Avo-Devo is the study of DNA code that leads to a benefical loss of information, that leads to disease and causes dysfunctional affects on organisms. Mutation and nutrition are two common causes of Avo-Devo. Mutations are the spoiling of DNA code resulting in a loss of benefical information. The most common source of mutations arise from radiation or DNA copying errors. Chemicals in our foods coming from our nutrition also impact the Avo-Devo of our cellular fitness. During cellular division the present of strange chemicals or carigens spoil the process of DNA copying leading to more Avo-Devo in our geneotype.
Avo-Evo is the study of DNA code that leads to a benefical gain of information. This gain of informationmust increase the overa ll fitness of the organism over time, assuming we allow Evolutionary processes of Natural Selection to remove less desirable changes to the DNA code. The fact is Avo-Evo has never been observed.All science has demonstrated so far is the changes to existing genes, or existing switches or existing DNA codethat already has a functional purpose. Science has no hypothesis where the DNA code came from in the first place.The Avo-Evo of new genetic material, brand new DNA code has never been shown to occur. Current study in Evolution is mostly reverse enginnering what is already inside the DNA code of living things.All the changes studied in living things at the DNA level is only Avo-Devo. This is what causes disease,and death. Mutations, radiation and dangerous chemicals ingested into our bodies also cause Avo-Devo.In fact our world is spoiling and thermodynamically running down hill into a more entrophy state of disorder. What drives the Avo-Devo of biology is the Physical laws of entrophy and thermodynamics which say all things made of matter must decay, wear out and spoil over time. This is why we age and die. Information is difficult to protect and secure overtime, when it is copied over and over, small mistakes are made despite countless editorial enzymes running up and down the DNA all the time fixing those errors, the precious information for life is slowly lost and this is why we age, wear out and die. Evolution would have you believe a simple change in DNA code here and there causes large perfect changes in the development of organisms...that living things are really simple in design is really an absurd notion. We have basicallly understood only 1% of the human genome so far, while the vast unexplored DNA code lies before us. Sure chimp and human DNA are 95% similar in the DNA code for proteins all living things share together, but what about the unexplored DNA code, the other 98% of code, how similar or different are we in these areas ? Aven Evolution or Avo-Evo has never been observed, because DNA code that improves the fitness level of an organism has to be engineered from the beginning by an Intelligent Designer. There is no current model from Evolution explaining how Aven Evolution occurs, where the genes come from in the first place. There is not a single case of any random mutational change causing Avo-Evo. On the next webpage, we consider fairly how Evolution science might answer these problems that have been raised.
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