A poem about the Branch, written as a Hebrew poem in Isaiah 52:13 to 53:12:-
A servant, the Branch will prosper
He will be raised and lifted up
But there were many who were appalled
As He drank that bitter cup.
Because His appearance was so disfigured
Beyond that of any man
And His form marred truly beyond
The likeness of human man.
Captured were the nations that marvelled
As they saw His face grow dim
And Kings will shut their mouths
Because of the looks of Him.
Death for them had not been told
Yet still they will see
And what they had not heard
Was plainly revealed to Thee.
Except who has believed our message?
And to whom has the arm
To whom has the Lord revealed
Who seeks His hidden balm?
For He grew up like a tender shoot
Like a root out of dry ground
He had no beauty or majesty
To attract us to His gown,
God made nothing of His appearance
That we should desire of Him
He was despised and rejected by men
A man of sorrows and sin.
He was familiar with all suffering
Like one from whom men hide
He was despised and sorely beaten
No one cared if He had died.
I saw Him take up our infirmities
And carry our sorrows rejected
Yet we considered Him stricken by God
Smitten by Him and afflicted.
Just then He was pierced for transgressions
With our iniquities He was crushed
The punishment that was brought upon Him
Gave us peace while He was hushed.
Knitted by His wounds were healed
Like sheep have we all gone astray
And while the Lord laid on Him our iniquity
Each of us turned and went his way.
Lo’ He was oppressed and afflicted
Yet His mouth was not open
Like a lamb led to the slaughter
His lips not a word was spoken.
Maimed by oppression and cruel judgement
He was unfairly taken away
He was cut off from the land of the living
Because of people’s transgressions that day.
Now assigned a grave with the wicked
And with the rich He lay dead
Though He had done no real violence
Nor any deceit had He said.
O’ it was the LORD’S will to make Him suffer
Make His life and offering of guilt
He will prolong His days and offspring
For in His hand His will was built.
Perhaps after His soul has done much suffering
He will see in His life a great light
By His knowledge will many be satisfied
And many servants be made right.
Quietly He will bear their iniquities
The Lord will make Him great
He will divide up the spoils with the righteous
Because His life was poured out for Hate.
Raised with transgressors numbered
For He bore the sin of many
And made intercession for sinners
To restore His own to plenty.
We can now move on and consider other points raised in the Deen Show.
Jesus study theme