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trapped in pride, indulgence

FIRST STEP TO JESUS Q8: How does Satan keep us trapped in our pride ?

1Jo 2:15 Love not the world , neither the things that are in the world.

Indulgence is the common method of Satan to trap people and foster more human pride. Another word is appetite. Or lack of temperance. Or no self control. We live in a world of abundance. These things fuel our pride. So we love to sin even more. Self indulgance is fun. How hard it is for one rich in self-indulgance to enter into heaven! Mt 19:23

Only the divine gift of Jesus' promise of hatred for sin will change this.

Overeating is the most common method to increase pride and thus decrease human willingness for any strong authority except ourselves and Satan whom we remain ignorant of.

Learning to deny ourselves a second chocolate cake, or a better motor car, or the latest ipod, is God's way to overcome appetite or indulgence. The Bible calls this fasting. It's a process of making our minds more willing, and opposes the pride of resistance. Try a food fast for 40 hours and you will soon be praying or something will brain your decisions , LOL !

So my friend are you willing to let your Saviour save you every day ? May the Holy Spirit breathe on you the Breath of Salvation. Shalom

Steps to Jesus theme

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