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Ancient Hebrew research

What is Ancient Hebrew?

See Ancient Hebrew Research Center , with Jeff Benner regarding Ancient Hebrew.

The author of Spiritual Springs is indebited to Jeff Benner's work showing Ancient Hebrew picture script and the possible meanings of each Hebrew letter. While we obviously agree in basic terms how Ancient Hebrew should be interpreted we sometimes disagree with faith applications. Jeff does not in general make faith comments, his work is mostly showing us Hebrew context as close to the original thinking as possible. Jeff's continued research is invaluable.

The letter pictographs of Ancient Hebrews were written down from 3,000 BC, a long time ago. This allows us to assess our Hebrew Bibles to allow us to see both OT and NT Biblical meaning along Hebrew lines in it's orginal context. While Ancient Hebrew research is archeologically recent, nevertheless it is an exciting science that enables us to piece together the puzzles of Hebrew language, culture and thought and thus assess the messages of GOD as recorded by men under inspiration in the Hebrew language.

Ge 14:13 ¶ And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew;

"Hebrew" "Behold the Person! Home-Head travels" The pictograph suggests the nomadic HOME-HEAD (tent people).

The word Hebrew means to "cross over" - meaning to cross over from death unto ongoing life with GOD. Abram is the first person mentioned in the Bible as being Hebrew.

"Abram" "The Strong HOME-HEAD flows" The pictographs suggests a stronger example of a Hebrew tent person flowing over the land.

Ge 11:16 And Eber lived four and thirty years, and begat Peleg:

"Eber" "Behold the Person! Home-HEAD"

Eber is ancestor of Abraham. This line is from Shem, one of the brothers who came out of Noah's ark, and lived in the Mesopotamia region.

Ge 11:1 ¶ And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.

This verse tells us that Hebrew was the language spoken all over the earth, the Mother of all languages.

Ge 11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.

This verse tells us that the languages were broken into different sounds, while the letters remained fairly unchanged. Archeological studies bears this out that Hebrew writing pictographs is found in all major languages.

The four men might have travelled as the four points of the compass, Ham to the South taking Egyptian and Afrian type sounds with his descendents, Shem to the West taking Hebrew sounds, and thus fathering Greek Latin and eventually English; Japeth travelling North and fathering Persia, Assyrian and Russian, with his descendents; and finally Noah, travelling East fathering Indian and Chinese sounds, with his descendents.

On the next web page we look at a language almost identical to Hebrew.

Ancient Hebrew

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