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Fourth step to Jesus

FOUR STEP TO JESUS Q1: What is the fourth step ?

There four basic steps to being saved :-

(1) The sinners need of JesusThe Saviour Principle
(2) Returning Home - RepentanceThe Home Principle
(3) Confession & ConsecrationThe Power Principle
(4) Faith, Acceptance, Growing, Testing The Fruit Principle

So far on this journey we have learned the hardest step is the Saviour Principle. This means giving your will daily, to Jesus. Be humble not proud.

The next easiest step is taking Jesus' words with us in mournful repentance; we are weathered humble, to receive Jesus daily germinating in our hearts.

The hardest step to Jesus, is the Power Principle. This all about prayer. The Christian needs to develop the attitude of meekness, without presumptuous use of such power flowing through us.

And now lastly, after experiencing all three relationships of love, the Christian is ready to make fruit from that love, for witnessing unto GOD and for sharing among others. God has allocated time for this joyous time of harvest and celebration of redemption completed in you. The business time of work is to cease on Ceasing Day, translated in Scripture as Sabbath.

The Christian who loves God, will develop the fruit of loving others, and thus fulfil the other six love relationships of the Ten Commandment principles of love. May we weekly come together each Sabbath, as a Family in Jesus. Shalom

Steps to Jesus theme

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