Satan, bad things, Job
Q5:Why does GOD allow bad things to Job?
Job 1:8 And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?
Many people do not realize that GOD the Father is on trial by Satan. Satan claims that the Father's laws are unjust and too restrictive to enjoy life in it's fullest pleasure. Let's consider the claim, life without rules. Is that possible ? Can atoms move without natural laws to guide them? No we need natural laws. So where did the natural laws come from?
That might be fine for natural laws but the Father's spiritual laws are moral. We don't need moral laws for physical living? Really? Take the sixth of the Father's law, Thou shalt not kill. That's the negative. The positive is. Respect life. Where does life come from? GOD. So remove the sixth law and we remove living things.
Notice the attitudes written into the Father's laws:-
(1) I AM your Authority.
(2) I AM your covering.
(3) I AM your power.
(4) I AM your time.
(5) I AM your family.
(6) I AM your life.
(7) I AM your relationship.
(8) I AM your body.
(9) I AM your words.
(10) I AM your happiness.
So Job was complete in following GOD and obeyed all the attitudes of the Father's laws allowing GOD's power to flow through his life.
Satan was on trial now because God proved to Satan that one man could love GOD for the right reasons, simply to enjoy God's presence, and not for personal gain or selfish reasons.
But Satan said: " Job 1:11 But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face.
GOD knew Job would not do this because Job loved God, but Satan didn't know this. God can read into the future, but Satan can't. Despite all the wickedness Satan afflicted Job with, Job never sinned against His Saviour. His wife did make a sarcastic remark though.
Job 2:9 Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse (bless) God, and die.
Job's wife says, Bless God and die. And this is meant as sarcasism, the opposite of the Hebrew meaning, curse God and die. But Job never lost his faith. Notice in all this tribulation, the Father wants Satan to learn that His moral, emotional, physical and natural Laws are ALL necessary for functional existance.
Job is never told why bad things happen to him, a good person. We behind the story know why. God is on trial, and Satan claims people cannot obey the Father's laws while living on planet earth while other people are sinning. But Job does obey the Father's laws, even among terrible tribulation. And so GOD rewards Job and his wife with a double blessing, more children and more wealth than before.
The story of Job is an interesting one because it is written a long time ago, and helps us to see a real reason why bad things happen to good people.
I hate GOD theme