What does the original Hebrew look like ?
Q(6) What does the original ancient Hebrew look like ?
Here is the first ancient Hebrew letter. It has become the English "A"
The first Hebrew letter comes from the head of a bull, and means the "strong one".
Here is the second ancient Hebrew letter. It has become the English "B".
The second letter is the floor plan of the tent home, and means "home".
This letter has become the English "C". The letter is an active foot, and means "walking".
This letter has become the English "D". The letter is a door or curtain that swings, and means "swinging" or "door".
This letter has become the English "E". The letter is a person, or something the person is wowed about; and means "Behold ! The person".
This letter has become the English "F". The letter is a tent peg, and means "securing".
This letter has become the English "G". The letter is a rope, no longer found in modern Hebrew; but in Ancient Hebrew means "twisting".
This letter has become the English "H". The letter is a Tent Wall, which protects and shelters; and means "outside".
This letter has become the English "J". The letter is a Shepherd Staff, who cares for his sheep; and means "authority".
This letter has become the English "K". The letter is a palm, or active hand; and means "gripping".
This letter has become the English "L". The letter is a busy hand, and means "active".
This letter has become the English "M". The letter is something flowing, generally water; and means "flowing".
This letter has become the English "N". The letter is a sperm seed of the next generation, or family member; and means "across the people".
This letter has become the English "O". The letter is a looking eye and means "seeing".
This letter has become the English "P". The letter is a speaking mouth, and means "talking".
This letter has become the English "Q". The letter is a setting sun on the horizon, where things mysterious go on and on over there in cycles; and means "beyond the horizon".
This letter has become the English "R". The letter is a man's head which is rising, and means "head".
This letter has become the English "S". The letter is pressing or cutting teeth, and means "pressing".
This letter has become the English "T". The letter is the last in the Ancient Hebrew alphabet is a cross, the active principle as an important concept in a person's life to press towards; and means "marking".
This letter has become the English "U". The letter is a basket full of good things, and means "covering".
This letter has become the English "X". The letter is a thorn, used to protect things from the enemies; although in some contexts the thorns are symbols of prickly enemies; and means "protecting".
This letter has become the English "Y". The letter is a person travelling, and can also convey a hunter crawling snake like over the ground hunting; and means "travelling".
This letter has become the English "Z". The letter is a active plough, and means "ploughing".
For more on Hebrew
Notice in child like simplicity, I have given each Hebrew letter a single functional meaning, to simplify, rather than two or three meanings, as well as propose how English letters came to be. Shalom