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Do Bible words change in meanings?

Q(4) Do Bible words change meanings in context?

Generally no....there can be nuances or different shades of meaning in different context,but not totally different meanings, unless the word has multiple meanings. And in most languagesincluding Hebrew, multiple meanings are uncommon.

For years I have struggled with how to read my Bible

Even scholars from my Church say I am confused…..this is what they say ….

Quote: “ Most languages, if not all, are to a degree polysemous, English too as any Dictionary will show. That is not a matter of discussion, but reality. Over time words achieve nuances of meaning in new contexts; now and then similar sounds produce different meanings from the very outset of the history of a language, and now and then the development of nuances turn into quite disparate meanings of the same sounds and phonemes. However, in this case it is not really necessarily a question so much of separate meanings, but simply of the usage of the Divine names as superlatives which is a matter of fact, too

On the other issue of language and your theory that words always and only have only one meaning, much could be said, but your basic theory is contradicted by any dictionary, whether English or Hebrew, as you there find a huge number of listed lexical entries with more than one meaning. My advise here again is to learn the basics of linguistics.” End Quote.

If one cannot read our Scriptures independently of human wisdom, then we are left with the conclusion that we humans of child like faith, have to trust our translators and our scholars implicitly.Is this why perhaps many of us no longer read our Scriptures any more, because who can trust the meanings in the words? Do we allow our Pastors to spoon feed us with Scripture instead, after all the Pastoris the learned one, and wee of child like faith know nothing. Is this how studying Scripture should be?How would I know the meaning of a word in the grammatical lexical context, unless I am a language scholar?

  • Isa 29:12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
  • 13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:

    But does Scripture say about reading Scripture?

  • Isa 29:14 Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder:...
  • Isa 29:18 And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.
  • 19 The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD,...

    See how Scripture says Scripture should be studied...

    Let's test this idea that even a child in child like faith can read Scripture correctly...

    He went to love her with more of his love.

    Are the two words "love" the same meaning? One word is a verb, the other is a noun. Does this make any difference?

    Let's test a passage of Scripture verses and their context..

    What does the word (el) or (al) mean ?

    Strong lists this Hebrew word as 0410, and says the word means

  • God (god)
  • goodly
  • great
  • idol
  • might(-y one)
  • power
  • strong.

    Here is a Hebrew word with seven different English words. See how silly translatorsmake our Hebrew meanings become.

    (1) Gen 14:18 Melchizedek .. was the priest of the most high God (el).

    (2) Ps 22:1 My God(el), my God(el), why hast thou forsaken me?

    (3) Ps 80:10 The hills were covered .. (with).. th e goodly (el) cedars.

    (4) Ps 36:6 Thy righteousness is like the great (el) mountains

    (5) Isa 57:5 Enflaming yourselves with idols (el)..

    (6) Eze 32:21 The strong (el) among the mighty ones..

    When we go back to Semitic Ancient Hebrew and make each letter a picture word, like Ancient Egyptian letters do, we have a different way to investigate the meaning of "el", assuming the letters are spelled correctly, which they are not, the correct spelling is "al".

    Perhaps why scholars assume Hebrew has multiple meanings lots of times, and change the Hebrew meanings depending upon context is because the scholars did not know what the original broad meanings of Hebrew words were, so they invented their own scholarship. And this kind of thing happens when archeology failed to find David's palace, they assume such things like David and Solomon never existed. Instead they should be humble enough to admit they don't know everything, and inform the reader about this. Only recently in the last 50 years or so, have we learned Semitic Hebrew origins, and this new research provides a newer way to investigate the meaning of Hebrew words.

    So here is the orginal ancient picture words for each letter in the Hebrew word "al".

    The oxen bull is strong, so this letter "A" means "strong". The shepherd staff is a symbol of the Shepherd's Authority.We often see the staff in Egyptian rulers as a symbol of their authority.

    Thus the word means "Strong Authority". Let's test this idea for all verses..

    (1) Gen 14:18 Melchizedek .. was the priest of the most high "Strong Authority" (el).

    (2) Ps 22:1 My "Strong Authority"(el), my "Strong Authority"(el), why hast thou forsaken me?

    (3) Ps 80:10 The hills were covered .. (with).. the "Strong Authority" of (el) cedars.

    (4) Ps 36:6 Thy righteousness is like the "Strong Authority" of (el) mountains

    (5) Isa 57:5 Enflaming yourselves with "Strong Authorities" {idols} (el)..

    (6) Eze 32:21 The "Strong Authority" (el) {of} the mighty ones..

    With careful respect for the Hebrew word, we can translate this idea into a single English phrase,that renders the Hebrew meaning faithfully. Wouldn't you want Scripture in your language that is a faithfuland consistent translation of the Hebrew ?

    Yes, but some scholars in my own faith, who are scholars of pro-Canaanite languages and Hebrew scoff,saying this is a logogram, and does not work for every Hebrew word. (We know Masons teach us to clash knowledgewith knowledge, so let's keep things simple). First, a simple language as Hebrew was spreading out fromthe Garden of Eden, would have changed when Satan became their ruler over the earth. Thus evolution or decayof language would occur, invasions would spoil things, and Babel confusion creates many different sounds.When the Jews were forced to live in Babylon, they replaced the letters with aramaic square script, whichis modern Hebrew today, so in the balance of probabilities the older Hebrew words should make sense in Ancient Hebrewand the many of the newer Hebrew words will not, for one reason we no longer know their cultural reasons for their word meanings.

    As an answer to the problem of how to translate faithfully, God raised up Martin Luther, who translated faithfully and consistently the Hebrew and Greekinto German.

    See studies and examples of translations.

    Martin Luther's Bible is a testimony that mechanically translating Hebrew faithfully and consistently into a mother tongue, is possible, without making different meanings for each Hebrew word.

    See how the Author studies Scriptures independent from scholars, using the Holy Spirit as a teacher, and using a method that requires child like faith.Simple and easy to do, and keeps our translators honest.

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