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Ruled by human policies

Q6: The sixth principle of SELF INDULGENCE : ruled by human policy !

Isa 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

There are two words in this text.... The word "law" here is "torah" and means "Teachings" : the First five books of the Bible. The word "testimony" is "t@`uwdah" and means "witness" : The writings of eyewitnesses for God...

    witness Strong 8584

    witness Strong 5749,5750,5751.

Notice while Hebrew has ordinary witnessing, the witness for GOD is marked by the and the PERSON behold, the prophet witness for God !

Self indulgent people, self powered people and legalistic religious people do not have intimate regard to the torah or the prophet witnesses of Jesus. Such people are led by human policies, human teachings and human traditions of Scripture.

May we get back to Sola Scriptora, and embrace the teachings and writings of prophets who were witnesses for GOD. Shalom

Self theme

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