The third step of salvation, prayer
THIRD STEP TO JESUS Q1: What is the third step ?
There four basic steps to being saved :-
(1) The sinners need of Jesus | The Saviour Principle |
(2) Returning Home - Repentance | The Home Principle |
(3) Confession & Consecration | The Power Principle |
(4) Faith, Acceptance, Growing, Testing | The Fruit Principle |
So far on this journey we have learned the hardest step of all is the
Saviour Principle. This means giving your will daily, to Jesus. It is the
hardest step of them all because humans resist making a conscious decision
to allow Jesus into their lives at all.
Also we have learned of the easier step to taking Jesus' words with us,
through Bible study, through our eyes seeing Jesus work of Creation and
through our ears hearing Jesus speak to us directly via the Holy Spirit in
our conscience. Thus we are weathered humble, to receive Jesus daily
germinating in our hearts. This actual study though easy to achieve, is
harder than deciding to give Jesus your will. Now the human has to work
on maintaining his or her humbleness, and this is either an obligated work
of Baal religion, or a love response to Jesus love germinating in us.
Now we consider the next step to Jesus, the Power Principle.
The Power Principle is all about prayer. Prayer is not taking Jesus' power
in vain (Father's third commandment principle in the Ten commandments).
To experience this step well, the Christian needs to develop the attitude of
meekness, the ability to remain secure in Jesus, without presumptuous use
of such power flowing through us. Shalom
Steps to Jesus theme