HYPOTHESIS: What does the Hebrew "zanum" mean ? INTRODUCTION: In the New Testament, we hear alot about fornication. Many say the term means sex before marriage. That might have become a human viewpoint of the meaning of the word. In Hebrew days, young people were married by their parents around the age of puberty, from 12 years old to 16 years old. These ages were considered adults by Hebrew people. Hence premarital intercourse was rare, maybe unheard of, unless we speak of paedophilia. See also studies of whore. See also studies of whoredom-mark. The term "zanum" is a term referring to sowing your seed across more than one generation line or family you are married to. From God's viewpoint a whoredom condition is a mixture of Satan's Baal religion and God's Torah religion. Let's do the study ourselves and see the details. METHOD: All verses studied in OT and NT. CONCLUSION: The word "zanuwn" means whoredom. PICTURE: PERSONAL APPLICATION: Whoredom is more than just sowing one' seed across more than two family lines. It's the concept of cultural hybridization, something GOD dislikes. Each family is to remain faithful, unique and pure. The idea os spreading ones seeds to different families and making cultural half casts and mixed up children of cultural identities is wrong. The Aboriginal stolen generation is a good example of this concept. Cultural integration is a harmonious acceptance of one culture over another, and is fine by GOD. This example was shown by Ruth who left her Moabite culture and adopted Hebrew culture and thus the salvation offered by Jesus. Culturally she remain faithful to her new marriage, and left her old cultural ways behind. Many scholars believe cultural hybridization is good. Many scientists say genetic hybrids are good, for the child seeds have a vigour unlike either parent, and so yields are greater. This short term productive increase may be due to some one survival mechanism from the culturally confused plant, for in the long term hybrids do poorly when the environments are hard on them. De 22:9 Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers seeds:
lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast sown, and the fruit of thy vineyard,
be defiled. Le 19:19 ¶ Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy
cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with
mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen
come upon thee.
These examples are in the Bible as natural examples of defilement.
Man has become so bold as to today genetically modify species DNA,
as well as create animals of whoredom such as crosses between lions
and tigers, sheep and goats. Strange how the ass, a cross between
horses and donkeys was tolerated even in Bible times. There are some
natural examples of plants arising from whoredom, such as the banana,
whose seed is sterile, like the ass.
I hope you see that this Hebrew word is more than mere adultery, which is a
more narrow meaning of sowing seed. Let's not think to be as smart as GOD
and change His design of plant and animal DNA, nor think that cultural
hybridization is a good thing. More wars have been caused by cultural
hybridization and indifferences arising from cultural confusion of religion.
The concept of a one world Government is an attempt to come back to the
days of Babylos, the gateway to heaven, and thus oppose the destruction the
many cultures that God set up on earth, to stop the spread and power of evil.
It seems like the last run of civilization is fast coming upon us.
DISCUSSION: See comments in text.
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