Study of lowered, subdue, prostrate, bring down
HYPOTHESIS: What does "kana" mean ?
INTRODUCTION: This word is similar in meaning to humble, to lower oneself.
The King James uses this word this way sometimes. The word also means to bow
and prostrate one's self before another.
METHOD: See all verses that use this word.
CONCLUSION: There are several choices one could make. Possible solutions
for the meaning of "kana" include "lowered". Another solution is "bring down", but this requires two
compounded words.
PICTURE: Pictograph reads "with Palms among the people watching eyes "lowered on the ground"
Notice English word 'knee' from Hebrew spelling "kno" to bend, lower oneself...
Another English word is "knob", placing the palms on the knob, the body is
bent over, the idea of being lowered.
p> The palms suggest bending down to the ground as people in Eastern lands do.
The idea of using a staff in the palms and a burden on the back, the people walk
along with a bending over. So the body shape is lowered.
PERSONAL APPLICATION: The word has a similar picture to being humble.
The word is more to do with making one lowered, or brought down a level or
two. The idea of humiliation comes to mind. This is a good English word
as to humiliate someone is subdue them, or bring them down a level or two.
The problem with the word humiliate is it seems closely related to the word
humble, which it is not. The Bible idea of one who is humble, is a different
concept. The English meaning seems to have combined "kana" and "shapel"
into a concept of similar meanings; "humble" and "humiliate". Somebody who
is humilitated is brought down low against their free will, whereas humble is
the free will attitude of being lower than another in a relationship, because you
love them.
This is my child like understanding so far on the word "kana". It may change
over time as one reads and learns more. As truth matures, so does understanding
and wisdom. God bless your salvation studies with Jesus our Saviour. Shalom
There are 31 verses in the OT that use this word, none ? in the NT.
lowered theme