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being lowly and humble, mixing Hebrew meanings

( 41 ) Ps 102:1 ¶ of the afflicted "`aniy", when he is overwhelmed , and poureth out his complaint before the LORD .> Hear my prayer , O LORD , and let my cry come unto thee. {of: or, for}

.. humble ..

( 42 ) Ps 109:16 Because that he remembered not to shew mercy , but persecuted the poor "`aniy" and needy man , that he might even slay the broken in heart .

.. but persecuted the humble ..

( 43 ) Ps 109:22 For I am poor "`aniy" and needy , and my heart is wounded within me.

.. humble .. The positive viewpoint of "Aniy". When people are humble, they hear God speak to them... when you feel your need for Jesus, Jesus can talk to you...

( 44 ) Ps 140:12 I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted "`aniy", and the right of the poor .

.. maintain the cause of the humble ..

( 45 ) Pr 3:34 Surely he scorneth the scorners : but he giveth grace unto the lowly "`aniy".

.. giveth grace unto the humble .. Jesus grace is given to the humble. Pride opposes this kind of humility.

Jas 4:6 ...God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. James obviously quotes this Hebrew for His message in the New Tesatment. Peter does the same.

1Pe 5:5 ¶ .... God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

  The Hebrew word for humble that they used is "shaphel" the Greek word "tapeinos". It is an example where a writer feels the message is more important than the actual words of Hebrew. The Hebrew word "shaphel" means to be lowered. The idea of humility is there too.    So for the sake of perhaps a more modern age of hebrew people having forgotten much of the older messages in the Old testament, both of these men under inspired felt to change things a little. Its really the same message. So it's OK. I bring this to light to the reader because it's there.

( 46 ) Pr 14:21 ¶ He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth : but he that hath mercy on the poor "`aniy", happy is he.

.. but he that hath mercy on the humble ..

( 47 ) Pr 15:15 ¶ All the days of the afflicted "`aniy" are evil : but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast .

.. humble .. What a strange verse of context ??

( 48 ) Pr 16:19 ¶ Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly "`aniy", than to divide the spoil with the proud .

.. spirit with the humble ..

Pr 16:19 ¶ Better it is to be of an humble "shaphal" spirit "ruwach" with the lowly "`anav" "`aniy", than to divide the spoil with the proud "ge'eh".

Notice the full display of most Hebrew words in this verse.

Pr 16:19 ¶ Better it is to be of a low "shaphal" spirit "ruwach" with the humble-meek "`anav" "`aniy",

Here is an interesting verse in the Old Testament. Notice the above translation reads correctly.

Mt 5:3 ¶ Blessed are the poor "ptochos" in spirit "pneuma"

Here is an interesting verse in the New Testament. One can't find where this phrase comes from. It's not a direct quote of any OT Hebrew phrase.

Pr 29:23 ¶... the low "shaphal" in spirit "ruwach". Isa 57:15 ... and low "shaphal" spirit "ruwach"

The three OT verses all say the "low" spirit become humble and meek...

I bring this to the reader, because it confuses one when studying the meaning of Hebrew verses against the Greek words used in the translation times of the New Testament. Why was the changes made ? To me as a child learning Hebrew ways it tells me, firstly, the message is more important than actually accurate quoting of Hebrew; and secondly, the target audience may not know old Hebrew, so let's make our messages move with their understanding at the time. Now before you all rush off and think one can say what messages one likes about God, did these men change the old landmarks of Hebrew ? No they didn't. Was the meanings of the old scriptures changed ? No they weren't. If you look at the verse where the quote might have come from all Hebrew words are present about the theme anyway.

Pr 16:19 ¶ Better it is to be of a low "shaphal" spirit "ruwach" with the humble-meek "`anav" "`aniy",

Another strange thing about Hebrew is the order they say things is not necessarily logical as we think, one point or thought after the next. Hebrew people think in blocks of logic, not sequential points of logic. This changes the way we should read our Bible verses. So this verse Pr 16:19 is saying this :-    

hebrew logic western logic
shaphel "low" remove pride be low first
"ruwach" character spirit character changes by God
"aniy" humble and you are humbled next
"anav" meek and lastly you become meek

To Hebrew thinking the major focus of salvation is "aniy" to be humble To westen minds we would say one must be lowered first "shaphel", remove pride, than be humble "aniy"....

Both ideas can be true, because the thoughts lead to the same conclusion. But if one is not aware of Hebrew thinking one can get our translation efforts wrong and make poor conclusions. A good example of think sequential logic are men. They think in tunnel like precision one process at a time. Women on the other hand tend to think in blocks of logic. They see things more broadly than men do, and hence take shorts cuts in processing stuff, but all eventually get to the same conclusions.

This is why we have to be patient with each other, especially gender differences. Do not hinder the little children, let them come to be, and be saved. Shalom

( 49 ) Pr 22:22 ¶ Rob not the poor , because he is poor : neither oppress the afflicted "`aniy" in the gate :

.. poor neither oppress the humble ..

( 50 ) Pr 30:14 There is a generation , whose teeth are as swords , and their jaw teeth as knives , to devour the poor "`aniy" from off the earth , and the needy from among men .

.. knives to devour the humble ..

Humble theme

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