HYPOTHESIS: What does the Hebrew word "shabath" mean ? INTRODUCTION: Many different Churches keep Sabbath holy throughout the world. One question that rises is why do many religions keep Sunday Holy rather than Saturday Holy ? God created time from the beginning when matter roared into existence from his hand. On the seventh day God created a special day making it separated from the other six, translated in Scripture as HOLY. Thus there are six working days for employment work and the seventh day is for time with GOD, a day of ceasing from business work. One question that arises from Jesus' time on earth during the first coming of Christ, was man supposed to CEASE from all activity on Ceasing day ? Apparently not. Let's see what sabbath means in the study of this Hebrew word. METHOD: See all verb and noun actions of this Hebrew word. See studies if you doubt verb and noun forms of a word are the same word, and thus similar in meaning. CONCLUSION: The meaning of the Hebrew word "shabath" is "cease" or "ceasing". This is the meaning in English. Another way to understand the Hebrew is to leave the word written in Hebrew, this is as Sabbath. Other examples of Hebrew words that have come into English unchanged are Amen and Hallelujah. PICTURE: PERSONAL APPLICATION: Ceasing time is important to GOD. There are many different times of ceasing in Scripture, and we need to study all the different significances of these:- (1) First consider the Ceasing relationship in the Ten Commandments. Why is such a commandment here in what looks like moral law ? One obvious conclusion is the ten commandments are not moral laws, but relationship principles of love. We are to remember time allocated for GOD each weekly ceasing time. The time was a memorial of our world being CREATED by GOD for mankind. Ex 20:8 Remember the ceasing day, to keep it holy. ....Ex 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day (ceasing day), and hallowed it.
Notice the Sabbath commandment quotes the Genesis verse with one word differently "nuwach" or rest . This word is similar in meaning to the word
"shabath" the verb meaning to cease. This suggests Sabbath was created by
GOD from the Creation Week of time, specifically on the seventh day.
Notice the Ten Commandments were changed by GOD AFTER introducing
the ongoing process of salvation....
De 5:12 Guard the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. ....De 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.
Notice the Ceasing Time is also a memorial of salvation by Jesus. So
Sabbath has now TWO memorials devoted to it, one new love principle was added.
Joh 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
Here Jesus adds yet another love principle to the list of Father's commandments
making another principle of love relationships.
If time is devoted for GOD and MAN working on a co-operative effort of
salvation for six days, the ceasing time is time to allow sharing of GOD's fruit
in MAN's harvest. You can see that harvest and sharing is a work of activity,
but different from the work of salvation. During the six days, your growing in
salvation. But on the Ceasing Time (Sabbath) your fruits are shared. This cycle
of salvation in you, growing some more for six days, and sharing the fruits
of that salvation on Sabbath Day, was designed specifically by GOD.
(2) Second the Ceasing Time broadened beyond week cycles to season cycles.
Why the broadening of TIME from week cycles to season cycles ? When
sin entered the world, Jesus immediately offered to GOD a solution. This
solution is called the sin-offering. Such a plan involved the gradual unfolding
of salvation systems to mankind and the unfallen worlds how GOD was to save
mankind from the capture of the second death from Satan. We see the
sin-offering was part of the salvation systems in which special Ceasing
Time was designed to celebrate the ongoing process of being saved by
Jesus. Salvation from sin is an eternal ongoing attitude of gratitude by
sinners saved by grace in their Saviour. The memorials of ongoing salvation
by Jesus was encapsulated in special Ceasing Time regulated by renewed
moon cycles (seasonal times).
(3) Third one must consider what happens during the Ceasing Time. Does the
fruit in us lie idle, while all activity from both GOD and MAN is ceased ? No
this is a poor understanding of "sabbath time". We need to investigate what
activities occur in the Ceasing Time, so we spend our time wisely with God
on His special Day.
DISCUSSION: See more comments in the studies in text.
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