Q17: What is a ceremonial symbol for? Some of our preachers today do not care for the flock and have no qualms preaching controversial themes. The church seems to say that Paul was against circumcision, and any traditions of righteousness which we see as legalism. Doing "good" does NOT earn salvation, however, if you do not follow Jesus, our "bad" walking is evidence we do not know Jesus. Some preachers mock "vegans", "homeschooling", "dress standards", "pot luck luncheons", "feast keeping" and so on, saying that some people are "more holy" and thus refuse to associate with more secular believers in the church. I guess walking a path of right doing, can in time become a walk of pride, and thus we lose Jesus in our heart and become a religion of Baal, the home authority that means nothing to GOD. Yes perhaps the preacher was right, but the influence of preaching can be reckless...such is the voice of the preacher, and the sheep cannot have voice nor are we allowed to. Such preachers "preach scholarship using complex words" to show how high is their education, and how low is their own child like faith. Would Jesus eat vegetables today and not meat ? Well yes. Why? Because meating eating has more poisons in them then does vegetables... Would Jesus eat store bought vegetables or home grown vegetables? Well He would eat home grown vegetables today, not the store produced vegetables, wrapped in cancer causing plastic, grown in cancer causing chemicals on the farm, with lots of deficient mineral in them and so forth. Home grown vegetables have better nutrients in them, potentially; but only if the homegrower has better soil with better minerals. Would Jesus eat anything manufactured today? Well no. Why? Well the rise of GMO cancer causing foods in manufactured foods is rife, and the added extra ingredients could be unsafe, and our heatlh must be considered first, above all things. Was Jesus home schooled or did he attend universities and secular schools? Jesus was home schooled, he also may have had some tutoring by wise rabbi, but he did not go to a secular university. Why is that? Well universities today promote evolution as a religion, as a way of life, and Jesus loves creation, He made all things...including how the body cares for itself. Would Jesus wear modern clothes? That depends. The Scripture says not to wear plastic and cotton together because the static electricity spoils the health of our skin. So this teaching alone wipes out 90% of cloth fabric. He would have worn 100% cotton or 100% wool, but not both together touching the skin. And Jesus would not follow fashion, that is lovng the world and the things of the world...Jesus loves His Father instead.. Would Jesus eat sugar treats on pot luck dinners? No. Sugar is the biggest appetite sin causing cancerous food in our foods today. Jesus would have been choosey even with vegan food. Would Jesus practice feast keeping if He lived today on earth? Well yes. First the feasts are rules of teaching about Jesus, created by Jesus for His people to apppreciate Jesus. And the feasts help the people practice future events the people need practice for. Many people say all feasts generally pointed towards Jesus on the cross, or just after the cross. Col 2:16 ¶ Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Most people say the ceremonial laws of Jesus are shadows that bring us to Jesus, and once we come to Jesus, we no longer need the shadow, or the feasts.This sounds very logical, but shadows are symbols of our travelling with Jesus, and if you come closer and closer to Jesus, so your covered shadow vanishes, you do become more like Jes us, who is light unapproachable. Ho 14:7 They that dwell under his shadow shall return; they shall revive as the corn, and grow as the vine: Personally I like to remain under the shadow of Jesus, and remain under the wings of the Holy Spirit, where revival is; a cooler more respectful place, while living on earth.( Scripture cannot contradict itself, it's important to investigate all verses on a Hebrew word, like this example of "shadow"). Today after the cross all feasts now generally point forward to future events where Jesus helps His people deal with future events, about Jesus in our future. After the second coming, the feasts are still celebrated throughout eternity. Why? Because they help the people develop eternal gratitude for Jesus dealing with their ongoing salvation. Why is salvation ongoing? Do Jesus scars remain for eternity? Does Jesus live in a human body for eternity? Do those around Jesus become His fruits of being saved for eternity? Would we want to regularly come together to celebrate Jesus ongoing salvation for us ? Well yes. Consider this question...Why was physical circumcision instituted by Jesus for the OT people? Ge 17:10 This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised. Why did GOD ask Abraham and his descendents to be circumcised? Because circumcision is a literal symbol pointing to Jesus' literal circumcision of His heart on the Cross. So does that mean because circumcision is a symbol, we do not have to literally do the symbol? Jer 4:4 Circumcise yourselves to the LORD, and take away the foreskins of your heart, ye men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem: lest my fury come forth like fire, and burn that none can quench it, because of the evil of your doings. Earthly literals helps us appreciate spiritual literals. Humans are steeped in sinning, hence Jesus gave us the "ceremonial laws" to help us appreciate "our sinning" and Jesus solution to "our sinning". That does not mean the "earthly literals" have no value once we appreciate Jesus "spiritual literals" done in us. If we assume all "earthly literals" were abolished on the Cross, how then can we deal with our sinning when we sin, how can be appreciate Jesus "spiritual literals" He does in us? We would have no appreciation, we would have no gratitude, we would see Jesus' grace as cheap. Let me give you an example of how "Earthly literals" or "symbols" should be practiced today, to help us appreciate the "spiritual literals of Jesus". Le 1:3 ¶ If his offering be a burnt sacrifice of the herd, let him offer a male without blemish: he shall offer it of his own voluntary will at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the LORD. This "olah" offering is a voluntary offering, to be offered at the door of the tabernacle of YHWH. It was a symbol of the believers gratitude of salvation. So do we suppose this "Ceremonial law" was abolished at the Cross? that we no longer need to show attitude of gratitude towards Jesus' salvation? How can people believe such notions? do we supppose the entire "ceremonial laws" that Jesus told Adam to Moses, how to deal with our sinning and Jesus solution to our sinning are literal symbols that were all completed by Jesus on the Cross? When I enter the tabernacle of a church, just near the door entrance, I bow my head in a quick prayer of an "olah offering" thanking Jesus for making His salvation for us possible. While I am not practicing the literal symbol literally in the former rains of Jesus, I am still practicing the literal symbol spiritually during the latter rains of Jesus. And th is is how feasts and all the literal symbols of Jesus should be considered. Which of the ten commandment laws does the "Feasts" come under? Ex 21:1 ¶ Now these are the judgments which thou shalt set before them. A judgment is a way of interpretating "the ten commandments as law", so all the judgements are actually details coming from the broad principles of the Ten Commandments. Ex 23:14 Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto me in the year. Who is "me" here? Elohiym, but specifically which member of Eohiym? Ex 23:20 ¶ Behold, I send an Angel (malak) "messenger" before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. The Father is sending Jesus as His messenger, to pardon our sins, and be our Saviour. Notice the Father's Ten Commandments are added to by Jesus, our Saviour. Ho 13:4 Yet I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no saviour beside me. So the feasts of Jesus, point us to Jesus who saves us daily...some assume the feasts saved us once from the Cross...that's like saying the eternal sacrifice of Jesus saves us once for eternity... sure Jesus was sacrificed once for eternity...but what is a sacrifce for? What are the feasts for? The answer is for relationship. Our daily relationship in Jesus. Improving our relationship in Jesus. Joh 15:10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. Keep Jesus' commandments? Where are they? Near the Father's commandments, as Jesus says here. In the Scroll of Jesus, we see the first of the Father's Ten Commandments is added to by Jesus our Saviour. The feasts of Jesus are called in the latter rains of Jesus teachings, love feasts, and they help us develop better relationship with Jesus. For example the feast of unleavened bread is about "prayer and fasting" learning to live with less materialism, less technology, and less self. And more trusting relationship in Jesus, more about choosing Jesus' food rather than man-made manufactured madness. The Author practices the "prayer and fasting" "feast thing" every Monday of every week, to develop a better relationship with Jesus, to support His daily flow through me. Do we keep the feast of unleavened bread, as in the former rains, as the writings say? No, such types and symbols were orginally written for Israel coming out of Egypt, and doing them as they did would be a return to legalism. In the same example of the Feast of Passover, Jesus changed in the latter rains the OT feast into a NT feast, pointing forward to the Wedding feast, we practice the love feasts as often as you feel touched by Jesus, and as often as you need to practice the training. Ask your local church Pastor, is the Lord's Ordinance a feast? He will not answer you, possibly say no. Yet the Lord's Feast was just a renewal of the Lord's Feast, changing the sacrifice of animals for missing to the eating of flour for missing, both of these symbols are found in the OT teachings originally. Le 5:11 But if he be not able to bring two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, then he that sinned shall bring for his offering the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering;... Notice Jesus says "new wine" for "new wine skins", is a principle that the principles of salvation must be renewed in renewed spiritual settings, the "grape juice" is still the same in the OT and NT times, only the way we deal with Jesus has changed. How often do we sin? To receive forgiveness we must partake in the Lord's feast, to eat of the bread for missing and drink of the grape juice for missing, and partake of the eternal sacrifice Jesus shed for you, offering eternally life for life, as the Special Writings say. For more, see the Scripture guidelines of salvation. |
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