Q:10. What do we do with a war of words? In the Psalms 131, is a principle:-
LORD, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself
in great matters, or in things too high for me.
Surely I have behaved and quieted
myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child.
Ps 131:3 Let Israel hope in the LORD from henceforth and for ever.
This short Psalm of David, speaks of others whose heart is high, their eyes look high and they walk magnificiently about doing their things...all with a modern term we called PRIDE.
But David is equal to these proud ones, in contrast with humility, that is the fruit of his mother, his soul ripes to yield a different person.
Finally David exhorts all Israel to wait on the Lord until His cyles, we do not understand, end.
Above the author has tried to translate Psalms 131 with Ancient Hebrew meanings behind the words.
Scholars with their high learning of scholarship tower over the lowly humble ones who were taught from their mothers knee, like Jesus;
who never went to a University for His Hebrew training. Jesus, like David taught himself, under the fields of the LORD, with GOD alone,
they learned the quiet but powerful words of Scripture.
Albert Einstein is presumed to have said, "Education is what remains after one has forgotten what he learned in school."
In other words :"Religion is what remains after one has forgotten what he learned in Church."
Sadly people live as their Pastors live, and the Pastors live as their congregations live, and one cannot dare challenge them to defend their faith.
The fact is they live with the traditions of men, not faith in the words of Scripture.
Mt 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
We live with a war of words.
Re 12:7 And there was war in heaven: Michael(Jesus) and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon (Satan) fought and his angels,
Jesus wants to set up a ONE WORLD Government
where people all willingly obey the TORAH, words that are found in Sola Scriptoria ..
Satan wants to set up His own one world government,
BEFORE Jesus comes to do it, creating a religion that tolerates hundreds of
religions except the one true TORAH Jesus has in Scripture, under the guise of "natural law" or humanism.
Did Jesus change His TORAH ? No...Jesus cannot change torah,
He died proving Torah cannot change. If Jesus wanted to add more meanings to His older TORAH
in the OT, He had to make further additions before He died, not after He died.
Heb 9:16 For where a testament is, there must also
of necessity be the death of the testator.
17 For a testament is of force after
men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.
Did Jesus add additions to torah, before He died...Yes Jesus did. He renewed the Passover Ordinance in the OT, with the Lord's Ordinance, in the NT.
The Passover feast was a symbol of Jesus dying for our sins. So Jesus renewed this feast with other symbols, like the fruit of plants.
Notice Jesus declares this feast replacing Passover feast, points forward as a symbol of the Wedding Feast, a future event in heaven.
We can thus find with this example, the older feasts pointed to Jesus, but now their spiritual significance should be practiced because they also point forward to future events.
We find the Jewish Christians kept the feasts after Jesus went back to heaven, as found in the book of Acts.
This website is written in child-life faith making things
as simple as possible, but not simpler.
Ancient Hebrew is the Mother of all languages
and has Edenic origins arising from Adam, as created originally by GOD.
Here is some of the 2400 Ancient Egyptian pictographs, and how similar some are to Ancient Hebrew pictographs.
For example the "C" means "Walking", "M" means "flowing" and the "Q" is same for both languages, "over the hill" in Egyptian meaning,
and "over the horizon" in Ancient Hebrew meaning; both refer to some "unknown" concept.
Thus the purpose of Ancient Hebrew pictographs is to encourage us to learn Jesus words better and respectfully in their right setting.
They also add much joy because "word pictures" are so much more interesting than "word letters".
God bless your reading of His words. Shalom
For further interest in Ancient Hebrew meanings:
Let's try a Science Hypothesis: Can this prayer promise make sense at the pictograph level?
Ps 32:1 Ps 32:2 Jeff Benner's Lexicon dictionary does not show the "sacred name", so the Author adds {YHWH-Jesus} instead. Remember Hebrew is read right to left, for each word, so here is the meaning of this prayer of forgiveness read following the pictographs:
Ps 32:1 The (divine) authority presses (your) head, (your) mouth pressed (your) eye (sees) , over the nations, the prickles (are) strong, outside the covering is strong. Behold the Person of Jesus! With palms (on my) prickles. Behold the Person of Jesus!
Ps 32:2 The (divine) authority presses (your) head, the strong door (of your mind) flows, the YHWH-Jesus, outside presses (you) home, {not with} twisting secure, (but whose) head secured outside (your character administrated by the Holy Spirit), (your) head flows actively (with the doings of your hands) (towards) the Being Behold! (Jesus, your Saviour).
Now at the pictograph level, is the prayer of forgiveness David prays, make sense? We think it does.
For those who want to study the most important Ancient Hebrew message, try looking at the Bible Salvational Steps to Jesus, found in the Book of Jesus!
Created by Rob Thompson. Hosted since 10/01/2012. Visitors HOSTED by Prologic, my Son. A thin website.