(11) De 32:31 For their rock (tsuwr) is not as our Rock (tsuwr) , even our enemies themselves being judges .
For their Father rock (tsuwr) ..
The Father rock took care of them...
(12) De 32:37 And he shall say , Where are their gods , their rock (tsuwr) in whom they trusted ,
And he shall say , Where are their gods , their rock (tsuwr) in whom they trusted
The false religions mock the "heavenly Father" making claim to them own "father gods" on earth.
(13) Jos 5:2 At that time the LORD said unto Joshua , Make thee sharp (tsuwr) knives , and circumcise again the children of Israel the second time .
At that time the LORD said unto Joshua , Make thee sharp (tsuwr) knives ,
The Father rock was used to make a sharp flint knife for circumcision of the people. This is a literal process that symbolized a literal process inside the mind, the cutting away of old character and replacing it with new character. This is done as an engineered act of the Holy Spirit.
Ps 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Notice it is the Holy Spirit, again working with the Father, that make this circumcision of the mind possible.
(14) Jos 5:3 And Joshua made him sharp (tsuwr) knives , and circumcised the children of Israel at the hill of the foreskins .
And Joshua made him sharp (tsuwr) knives ,( a symbol of the Father)
Notice that Joshua is a symbol or typology of Jesus. In this verse we see Yeshua and Joshua, the Hebrew spelling for both names in the same. The Father and his Son in one verse cutting the mind of the redeemed !! This is a spiritual typology but it is also a literal picture of salvation.
(15) Jg 6:21 Then the angel of the LORD put forth the end of the staff that was in his hand , and touched the flesh and the unleavened cakes ; and there rose up fire out of the rock (tsuwr) , and consumed the flesh and the unleavened cakes . Then the angel of the LORD departed out of his sight .
... and there rose up fire out of the rock (tsuwr) (a symbol of the Father) , and consumed the flesh..
Jg 6:20 And the angel "malak" messenger of God "elohim" said unto him, Take the flesh and the unleavened cakes, and lay them upon this rock "cela", and pour out the broth. And he did so.
(16) Jg 7:25 And they took two princes of the Midianites , Oreb and Zeeb ; and they slew Oreb upon the rock (tsuwr) Oreb , and Zeeb they slew at the winepress of Zeeb , and pursued Midian , and brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to Gideon on the other side Jordan .
.. upon the rock (tsuwr) (Father rock symbol) Oreb ,
(17) Jg 13:19 So Manoah took a kid with a meat offering , and offered it upon a rock (tsuwr) unto the LORD : and the angel did wondrously ; and Manoah and his wife looked on .
So Manoah took a kid with a meat offering , and offered it upon a rock (tsuwr) unto the LORD..
Notice the animal sacrifice is placed upon a Father rock, and offered before YAHWEH.
(18) 1Sa 2:2 There is none holy as the LORD : for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock (tsuwr) like our God .
.. neither is there any rock (tsuwr) "Father like rock) like our God "elohim" (the heavenly powers of GOD)
(19) 1Sa 24:2 Then Saul took three thousand chosen men out of all Israel , and went to seek David and his men upon the rocks (tsuwr) of the wild goats .
..and went to seek David and his men upon the rocks (tsuwr) of the wild goats.
A common use of "father type rock"
(20) 2Sa 21:10 ¶ And Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sackcloth , and spread it for her upon the rock (tsuwr) , from the beginning of harvest until water dropped upon them out of heaven , and suffered neither the birds of the air to rest on them by day , nor the beasts of the field by night .
the daughter of Aiah took sackcloth , and spread it for her upon the rock (tsuwr) (a simile of the Father's presence),
Notice how the Father is tenderly involved in salvation
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