The authors idea of torah teachings
Q3: What are torah-teachings in the New Testament?
The Jews only consider the Old Testament as torah-teachings.
Let's have a look at Jesus-torah teachings in the New Testament.
1 Mt 3:8 Bring fruits from a repentant heart.
2 Mt 3:11 Be baptised with water and fire from the Holy Spirit.
3 Mt 4:3 Avoid the temptation of appetite.
4 Mt 4:7 Do not tempt the Lord God...
5 Mt 4:10 Bow down only to GOD.
6 Mt 4:20 Follow Jesus...
7 Mt 4:23 Teach in the Churches and heal disease from the people.
8 Mt 5:3 Blessed are the humble in Spirit...
9 Mt 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn...
10 Mt 5:5 Blessed are meek ,,,
11 Mt 5:6 Blessed are hungry ones for righteousness ...
12 Mt 5:7 Blessed are the merciful ones...
13 Mt 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart...
14 Mt 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers,,,
15 Mt 5:10 Blessed are you when persecuted for My sake
16 Mt 5:11 Blessed are you when men with envy persecute you...
17 Mt 5:13 You are the salt of the earth, a light on a hill ...
18 Mt 5:16 Let your light shine....
19 Mt 5:17 I have come to show how to uphold my torah-teachings
20 Mt 5:19 Do not trample on the least of my torah TEACHINGS...
21 Mt 5:21 Anger is the same as murder from my older torah-teaching
22 Mt 5:23 Mercy to others, is better than sacrifice or gifts...
23 Mt 5:25 Settle matters out of court if you can...
24 Mt 5:27 Desire is the same as adultery from my older torah-teaching
25 Mt 5:31 Uphold marriage...only fornication causes divorce
26 Mt 5:33 Complete your vows...don't invoke My Name ...
27 Mt 5:37 Better still keep your communication simple...
28 Mt 5:39 Offer more to those who ask, turn the other cheek...
29 Mt 5:42 Give to those who ask and need to borrow ...
30 Mt 5:43 Love your enemies...
31 Mt 5:48 Be complete as your Father is complete or perfect
32 Mt 6:1 Do your good deeds in secret
33 Mt 6:5 Pray in secret
34 Mt 6:7 Pray in simple words without repetition
35 Mt 6:8 Your Father knows what YOU NEED before you ask Him
36 Mt 6:14 Forgive others who trespass against you
37 Mt 6:16 Fast in secret
38 Mt 6:19 Lay up treasure in heaven
39 Mt 6:21 Your heart is where your treasure is
40 Mt 6:23 Do not be stingy with your money
41 Mt 6:24 You cannot serve two masters : God and Mammon (Baal)
42 Mt 6:25 Do not worry about material wants...
43 Mt 6:27 Do not worry about things outside your control
44 Mt 6:30 Have faith that your Father supplies your needs
45 Mt 6:33 Seek God first and all others things are added to you
46 Mt 6:34 Do not worry about has enough worries
47 Mt 7:1 Judge not lest you are judged
48 Mt 7:2 You are measured by how your measure others...
49 Mt 7:4 See clearly the solutions in other's problems
50 Mt 7:6 Do not give your best to dogs who despise you
51 Mt 7:7 Ask, Seek Knock and the doors will be opened...
52 Mt 7:8 Plead to seek and knock and find, till ye receive
53 Mt 7:11 Seek good gifts from your Father flowing to you
54 Mt 7:14 Enter the narrow road, where few find it
55 Mt 7:15 Beware to wolves in sheep's clothing to destroy you
56 Mt 7:17 A good tree bears good fruit...recognise the fruit
57 Mt 7:21 Only those who do my Father's will goes to heaven
58 Mt 7:24 Do these renewed torah teachings and be wise
59 Mt 8:10 Great faith causes healing over distance
60 Mt 8:20 There is great cost in following Jesus
61 Mt 8:27 Faith in God controls even His Natural laws
62 Mt 9:5 Ask Jesus to forgive you and heal your diseases of sin
63 Mt 9:12 Jesus came to be a doctor to the sick sinners to heal them
64 Mt 9:16 The renewed torah teachings need a renewed culture
65 Mt 9:21 Touching Jesus with faith causes healing
66 Mt 9:37 The harvest is ready, but the reapers are few...
67 Mt 9:38 Pray God will send more witnesses into His harevest
68 Mt 10:8 Heal as you witness and reap
69 Mt 10:16 Be wise and gentle as a wolf and a dove to witness
70 Mt 10:19 Do not worry what to say...My Spirit will speak...
71 Mt 10:23 Flee to a another city if persecuted...
72 Mt 10:28 Do not fear those who kill but cannot kill the soul
73 Mt 10:30 Do not be afraid, your hairs are even numbered...
74 Mt 10:33 Confess me and I will confess you to My Father
75 Mt 10:34 I come as a sword to demand loyality above family
76 Mt 10:38 Take up your Cross and follow me
77 Mt 10:42 Helping even the little ones, is helping me
78 Mt 11:5 Love is measured in actions done to others
79 Mt 11:6 Blessed if you are not offended by Jesus
80 Mt 11:25 Salvation comes only to the babes who seek Him
81 Mt 11:28 Come ye heavy laden and I will give you rest
82 Mt 11:29 My yoke is light, for I take the heavier load...
83 Mt 12:1 It is OK to pluck neigbour's corn if hungry
84 Mt 12:8 Mercy and love is better than legalism obedience
85 Mt 12:12 It is lawful to do GOOD on Sabbath
86 Mt 12:30 He who is not with me, is against me
87 Mt 12:31 Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not forgiven
88 Mt 12:33 A tree is known by it's fruit
89 Mt 12:35 Out of a man's heart flows his treasure
90 Mt 12:38 Do not test God with signs
91 Mt 12:45 If saved,... do not backslide lest ye be worse off
92 Mt 12:49 Loving Me is more important than family loyality
93 Mt 13:3 Sow Jesus' Seed in others
94 Mt 13:9 If you hear the Holy Spirit, than listen...
95 Mt 13:12 Salvation comes to those you hear, otherwise your deaf...
96 Mt 13:15 Pride waxes heart's cold, otherwise they hear...
97 Mt 13:16 Eyes that see, ears that hear are the same thing
98 Mt 13:21 Beware of tribulations that come to you
99 Mt 13:22 Beware when the love of the world chokes you
100 Mt 13:23 Blessed are those who increase my Seed 30, 60 or 100 times
101 Mt 13:25 Beware of the mouse water Christian, the skin 7 day
102 Mt 13:30 Both good and bad christians grow until harvest...
103 Mt 13:32 The least Christian deed is the greatest in my eyes...
104 Mt 13:33 My influence spreads to others
105 Mt 13:44 The pearl of great worth all you have...
106 Mt 13:48 Only the good is brought into the Kingdom
107 Mt 13:57 An inspired person is not welcome in his home Church
108 Mt 14:22 Seek Jesus, not His material benefits only
109 Mt 14:31 Faith can achieve amazing miracles
110 Mt 14:33 Worship Jesus, the Son of GOD
111 Mt 15:6 Torah teachings are more important than human rules
112 Mt 15:14 Do not be blinded by following the blind
113 Mt 15:18 The attitudes are more important than outward actions
114 Mt 15:24 Love all people, even those you despise
115 Mt 16:6 Beware of hypocrites
116 Mt 16:12 Beware of false doctrines that seem smooth and nice
117 Mt 16:18 Jesus is the rock and we are living stones
118 Mt 16:26 To gain the world and lose one's soul ? Seek Me...
119 Mt 16:27 Jesus will reward us according to our works...
120 Mt 17:5 Hear Jesus, whom the Father has sent...
121 Mt 17:21 Some miracles require fasting and fervent prayer...
122 Mt 17:27 Live at peace with others as much as possible
123 Mt 18:3 Only as little children are ye saved
124 Mt 18:4 Be humble as a child...
125 Mt 18:12 Go and seek the lost and save them
126 Mt 18:15 Forgive your brother and save him
127 Mt 18:18 Whatever you bind is bound, or free is freed...
128 Mt 18:20 Two or three gather, I am with your midst
129 Mt 18:22 Forgive your brother's sinning as oft he repents
130 Mt 18:28 Those forgiven much love much...
131 Mt 19:6 What God joins in marriage, no man should separate
132 Mt 19:14 Little children are given the Kingdom of GOD
133 Mt 19:16 What good things can I do to have eternal life ?
134 Mt 19:17 Guard the ten commandments and ye shall have life...
135 Mt 19:22 As deeply as God sees such commands, not as man does...
136 Mt 19:25 Who than can be saved ? For it is impossible to do...
137 Mt 19:26 Only in God's strength are all things possible...
138 Mt 19:30 The first are last, the last are first...
139 Mt 20:15 Be generous, as God rewards us the same in heaven
140 Mt 20:24 Beware of human pride or ambition
141 Mt 20:27 Be a servant humble and meek...
142 Mt 21:12 Church is not about money to buy sacrifice or souls
143 Mt 21:13 Church is about prayer...
144 Mt 21:16 Church is for children who ordain praise
145 Mt 21:20 God hates those who pretend to be righteous
146 Mt 21:22 Ask believe in all things and ye shall receive
147 Mt 21:29 Repent and do The Father's will
148 Mt 21:42 Follow the Son of Man, the Rock of Ages...
149 Mt 22:5 Do not make light of Jesus' invitation to save you
150 Mt 22:11 You must come to Jesus in His wedding garments...
151 Mt 22:14 All are invited but few come to the wedding
152 Mt 22:21 Give to Government their due and God His due
153 Mt 22:32 God is not dead...He talks to His own...
154 Mt 22:37 Love God with all your might and soul
155 Mt 22:45 Jesus was with God before and after David, his son
156 Mt 23:3 Beware of legalism
157 Mt 23:8 Call each other brothers, not masters
158 Mt 23:12 The greatest must be the most humblest
159 Mt 23:13 Do not be a stumbling block to those coming into Church
160 Mt 23:14 Do not make powerless prayers
161 Mt 23:15 Do not make converts with burdened rules
162 Mt 23:16 Love me not my material blessings
163 Mt 23:23 Love mercy not legalism
164 Mt 23:24 Be kind not overbearing or fanatical
165 Mt 23:26 Do not pretend to be good
166 Mt 23:28 Do not pretend to be righteous
167 Mt 23:31 Do not love life one side and murder another side
168 Mt 23:34 Beware of the Church that persecutes you
169 Mt 24:5 Beware many will come as False Christs to deceive many...
170 Mt 24:13 Those that endure to the end are saved
171 Mt 24:15 Watch for the abomination that causes desolation
172 Mt 24:20 Pray your flight is not in winter or on Sabbath...
173 Mt 24:21 Expect great tribulation ...
174 Mt 24:24 Beware of false Christ's and false prophets
175 Mt 24:27 I come as lightning across the sky !
176 Mt 24:33 Watch, my coming for signs at the doors...
177 Mt 24:37 As with Noah so shall my Coming be...
178 Mt 24:48 Do not be complacent when My coming delays
179 Mt 25:8 Carry extra Holy Spirit oil at all times....
180 Mt 25:15 Jesus expects an increase according to your talents
181 Mt 25:35 Jesus rewards those whose love has actions of service
182 Mt 26:10 Do costly things for Jesus
183 Mt 26:29 Lord's passover point forward to the Wedding feast
184 Mt 26:41 Watch and pray lest temptation over come you
185 Mt 26:52 Fight with faith not with swords
186 Mt 26:75 Repent and be converted for deeper service
187 Mt 27:4 Being sorry is not the same as being repentant
188 Mt 27:14 Silence often speaks very loud...
189 Mt 27:54 Contemplate Jesus on the CROSS and feel the Sin-offering
190 Mt 28:6 Jesus is alive and intercedes for us....
191 Mt 28:19 Go and teach all nations....
192 Mt 28:20 I am with you unto the ends of the earth...
193 Mr 1:35 Go to a quiet solitary place for prayer early morning
194 Mr 4:28 There are developmental stages to how a Christian grows.
195 Mr 6:8 Do witnessing in teams of two.
196 Mr 7:9 Do not follow human traditions in the place of God's torah,
197 Mr 7:21 Real sinning comes from attitudes within the mind.
198 Mr 7:27 Respect all cultures and all peoples.
199 Mr 8:12 Blessed are they who trust Jesus without asking signs (proof)
200 Mr 8:21 Miracles however do flow through the Christian in JESUS.
201 Mr 8:25 Sometimes healing comes in stages, and through prayer.
202 Mr 8:33 Always do the Father's will, not human ideas...
203 Mr 8:36 What profit a man to gain riches but lose his soul ?
204 Mr 8:38 Ashamed of Jesus ? Jesus will be ashamed of you when He comes..
205 Mr 9:24 Ask Jesus to overcome your doubt and unbelief.
206 Mr 9:29 Hard case of healing become successful though fervent prayer..
207 Mr 9:36 The greatest must be as small as a little child...
208 Mr 9:39 Others can be Christians from other demoninations...
209 Mr 9:44 Keep your passion for Jesus burning brightly...
210 Mr 9:49 Be salted with fire...
211 Mr 9:50 Be salty : Be peaceful (parallel simile)
212 Mr 10:5 Some torah rules were added because of hardness of heart...
213 Mr 10:15 Only the attitude of children will adults be saved....
214 Mr 10:17 What do I have to do, to inherit eternal life ?
215 Mr 10:19 Guard the ten commandments....the LAW...
216 Mr 10:21 You cannot do the LAW, they are attitudes of deep love...
217 Mr 10:26 Man cannot do ten commandments and be saved....
218 Mr 10:27 However with GOD all salvation is possible...
219 Mr 10:44 The greatest must be the servant of all...
220 Mr 10:52 Have a faith that delivers power and healing...
221 Mr 11:13 Do not pretend to be righteous...have real fruit...
222 Mr 11:15 Do not make money (business) out of religion....
223 Mr 11:17 Church is abut prayer not worldly matters....
224 Mr 11:28 Authority must have TWO witnesses....
225 Mr 12:17 Respect government as much as you respect God
226 Mr 12:25 Earthly matters are not the same in heaven...
227 Mr 12:27 God is not dead, He's alive !!!
228 Mr 12:29 The first commandment: LOVE GOD wholly...
229 Mr 12:31 The second commandment: LOVE others as you love yourself...
230 Mr 12:38 Do not pretend to be pious to win men's respect only....
231 Mr 12:44 God loves those who are living sacrifices....
232 Mr 13:6 Beware of false Christ's
233 Mr 13:12 Children will rise up against parents....
234 Mr 13:14 Beware of the abomination of desolation,
235 Mr 13:37 Watch and be ready for Jesus' Second coming....
236 Mr 14:25 The Lord's Passover points forward to the Wedding feast...
237 Mr 16:17 Expect power to flow through you because of Jesus...
238 Lu 1:18 Do not doubt the faithful powers of GOD...
239 Lu 2:37 Serve God with fastings and prayer....
240 Lu 4:3 Beware of pride, the sin of appetite or self indulgence...
241 Lu 4:7 Beware of pride, self worship or self importantance...
242 Lu 4:10 Beware of pride, presumption or self seeking power...
243 Lu 4:20 When you preach in Church, be sitting down...
244 Lu 5:20 Only Jesus can forgive sin-offerings...
245 Lu 5:24 God could not forgive sin-offerings unless becoming the Son of Man
246 Lu 5:38 The torah of old is placed in a new setting with the new torah
247 Lu 5:39 The new torah is placed in time into the old torah, preserving both
248 Lu 6:9 It is good to save others on Sabbath....
249 Lu 6:20 Blessed are the hummble poor...
250 Lu 6:21 Blessed are the hungry for GOD ...
251 Lu 6:21 Blessed are those who mourn their sins...
252 Lu 6:22 Blessed are those persecuted for Jesus' sake...
253 Lu 6:24 Woe to the proud rich...(opposite 229)
254 Lu 6:25 Woe to the selfish full...(opposite 230)
255 Lu 6:25 Woe to the happy sinless...(opposite 231)
256 Lu 6:26 Woe to the praise seekers of men...(opposite of 232)
257 Lu 6:27 Love and do good even to your enemies...
258 Lu 6:30 Give to those who ask...
259 Lu 6:34 Lend without expecting things returned...
260 Lu 6:35 Love, so ye become children of the Father (highest)
261 Lu 6:36 Be merciful...
262 Lu 6:38 Give generously and it shall be returned back to you...
263 Lu 6:39 Can the blind lead tyhe blind ? Seek to see as God sees...
264 Lu 6:40 Train yourself to be completed in Jesus...
265 Lu 6:42 Work on your problems first...
266 Lu 6:44 Learn your flow of Jesus in you by your fruit you bear...
267 Lu 6:45 Out of your mind flows the power of Jesus...
268 Lu 6:46 When you speak , speak what Jesus would say...Let Him speak...
269 Lu 6:48 Build upon me, the Rock of Ages, not your sandy stones of pride...
270 Lu 7:32 Learn to recognize the voice of Jesus in your conscience...
271 Lu 7:43 Learn to recognize your indebitness to Jesus....
272 Lu 8:5 As Jesus sows His seed, are you able to receive it faithfully?
273 Lu 8:15 Patiently comes the fruit of Jesus in you...
274 Lu 9:62 Consider the cost in following Jesus as a needle to a pole...
275 Lu 10:19 Learn the power of witnessing in His Name ...
276 Lu 10:21 The Bible's flow of power is open to the humble babe...only...
277 Lu 10:23 Blessed are those with eyes that truly see ...
278 Lu 10:36 Show mercy to your neighbours in the world...
279 Lu 10:42 Put Jesus first in your life, not material chores...
280 Lu 11:8 Keep asking faithfully of GDO to supply your needs...
281 Lu 11:13 Pray for the Father to send the Holy Spirit to you...
282 Lu 11:26 Beware of backsliding and fall into a worse condition...
283 Lu 11:28 Blessed are those who practice the power in Jesus' words...
284 Lu 11:34 Let your light shine...
285 Lu 11:52 Do not make burdens in following Jesus from love motives only...
286 Lu 12:1 Beware of hypocrisy...
287 Lu 12:4 Do not fear what men can do to your body...fear God...
288 Lu 12:8 Whoever confesses me, will I also confess to my Father...
289 Lu 12:21 Learn to share God's riches with others
290 Lu 12:23 Life is more than material abundance...
291 Lu 12:28 God will look after you, so do not worry about these things...
292 Lu 12:32 Fear not, your Father will give you the kingdom....
293 Lu 12:36 Be ready and watching for the wedding of Jesus to begin...
294 Lu 12:48 God expects an increase from His seeds sown in hearts...
295 Lu 12:51 Jesus love divides us, there is no peace in this decision...
296 Lu 13:9 Christians must bear Jesus fruit, or be cut down....
297 Lu 13:17 It is good to heal on Sabbath...
298 Lu 13:19 Faith as small as mustard becomes great in God's growth
299 Lu 13:21 God's grace influences others
300 Lu 13:24 Enter in the narrow gate, not the broad way
301 Lu 14:11 Seek the lowly and humble places of importance....
302 Lu 14:19 Do not make excuses before following Jesus...
303 Lu 14:23 Compel people to come to Jesus...plead..almost force...
304 Lu 14:26 Place Jesus above your family loyalty
305 Lu 14:27 Bear your cross like a good soldier...
306 Lu 14:28 Consider the cost of following Jesus...
307 Lu 14:33 You must give up all to follow Jesus...
308 Lu 15:7 There should be more joy for a lost soul re-entering Church...
309 Lu 15:9 Rejoice when a lost family member repents....
310 Lu 15:20 Imagine the Father running to a repentant sinner ...
311 Lu 15:28 Do not frown on a new comer to Church...
312 Lu 16:10 Be faithful with small matters...
313 Lu 16:13 Ye cannot serve God and money....
314 Lu 16:18 Treat marriage properly...
315 Lu 16:22 Be generous...
316 Lu 17:2 Do not offend your brothers...
317 Lu 17:4 Forgive your brother as often as he repents...
318 Lu 17:18 Be thankful to God for His blessings...
319 Lu 17:32 Do not lament your old life when facing the new life in Jesus...
320 Lu 17:37 Some followers of Jesus are dead, while others He knows....
321 Lu 18:5 Persistently ask and ye will receive a faith answer...
322 Lu 18:8 Will Jesus find faith when He returns the Second Time...?
323 Lu 18:11 Do not pretend to love Jesus without His power in you...
324 Lu 18:14 Only the humble receive mercy...
325 Lu 18:17 Only as little children will your faith allow you to be saved...
326 Lu 18:43 Miracles glorify God, as we praise Him for them...
327 Lu 19:5 Jesus knows his own my name...before you seek salvation...
328 Lu 19:16 Jesus expects an increase depending upon your talents...
329 Lu 19:46 Church is for prayer not business chatter....
330 Lu 20:16 Jesus gives his CHurch to Gentiles rather than His Hebrews...
331 Lu 20:46 Do not pretend to be a follower of Jesus...
332 Lu 21:28 Jesus is coming soon, experience His salvation today...
333 Lu 21:34 Beware of the love of the world might take away your salvation...
334 Lu 21:36 Watch & pray so you are worthy to escape the ensnaring ...
335 Lu 22:18 The Lord's passover ordinance points forward to His wedding...
336 Lu 22:19 Remember the Lord's ordinance feast always as your sin-offering...
337 Lu 24:27 Oh what a joy to learn all the texts concerning Jesus' suffering...
338 Lu 24:36 Receive peace, Jesus is alive as the Son of Man in heaven...
339 Joh 1:9 Come to the true light of Jesus...his arrangement of Words...
340 Joh 1:17 Jesus came in person with His beauty (grace) showing kind deeds...
341 Joh 1:17 Which far surpasses the old torah of light through Moses...
342 Joh 1:29 Behold! The Lamb of God lifts away the sin-offering of the world!
343 Joh 2:2 Jesus begins and ends his ministry at marriage feasts...
344 Joh 2:7 Fill your bodies with the waters of the Holy Spirit to your brim...
345 Joh 2:11 Let the miracle of Jesus change you within, a renewed character...
346 Joh 2:16 Do not make Church into a social club for goodies...
347 Joh 2:21 Build up the temple of your body into a Church for Jesus...
348 Joh 3:4 To be saved ye must enter the womb a second time...
349 Joh 3:8 Strive ye to be reborn in the womb of the Holy Spirit...
350 Joh 3:16 For the Family so loved the world, the Father gave His Son...
351 Joh 3:19 Come to the Light, and allow your shadows of sin fall behind you...
352 Joh 3:22 Be baptised into deep water filling your vessel to the brim...
353 Joh 3:30 As ye witness let Him increase, the the I in you decrease...
354 Joh 3:31 Do not witness of earthy things being from earth...
355 Joh 3:31 If Jesus is in you witness of His heavenly things ye have seen...
356 Joh 3:32 Speak of what you see and hear Jesus do for you...
357 Joh 3:36 He that has ongoing belief in Jesus will have ongoing life...
358 Joh 5:40 Salvation is found only in Jesus as you study His words...
359 Joh 6:35 Jesus is the bread of life...
360 Joh 6:37 All that comes to Jesus, He will not cast out...
361 Joh 6:53 Salvation comes only by eating and drinking Jesus blood & flesh
362 Joh 6:63 The character change comes from ingestion of Jesus blood & flesh
363 Joh 7:23 Sabbath is about redemption whollistically
364 Joh 7:39 Jesus now glorified has the Holy Spirit more empowered to save...
365 Joh 8:12 Jesus is the light of the world...
366 Joh 8:17 Salvation is possible only with two or more witnesses...
367 Joh 8:24 Salvation is only in Jesus, or die in your own sin-offering...
368 Joh 8:34 Whoever does a sin-offering is enslaved to sin-offering...
369 Joh 8:41 Be not intimate with two masters, God and Satan...
370 Joh 8:56 Jesus appeared to Abraham...showing Himself God's Son
371 Joh 9:5 I am the light of the world
372 Joh 10:4 Like sheep, learn to hear Jesus' voice...
373 Joh 10:16 other sheep of other churches hear my voice to come to one pen...
374 Joh 10:30 I and my Father are one united power...
375 Joh 11:27 Put your faith into practice, even though no miracle comes ...
376 Joh 11:25 I am the resurrection...
377 Joh 12:3 Those forgiven much love much...
378 Joh 12:24 Unless self die, the seed cannot make much fruit...
379 Joh 12:31 Jesus drives out Satan the prince of the world, on a cross...
380 Joh 12:40 Only those God forknew comes to God, the others harden...
381 Joh 13:5 Servant humility is required of all who follower Jesus...
382 Joh 13:34 Love as I have loved you: a new commandment...
383 Joh 13:35 Ye are my disciples if ye love one another...
384 Joh 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled...
385 Joh 14:6 I am the way to the Father...
386 Joh 14:16 There are two comforters, Jesus and the Holy Spirit...
387 Joh 14:27 Seek Peace: be not afraid...
388 Joh 15:1 I am the true vine, abide in me to make my fruit...
389 Joh 15:5 Without Me, ye can do nothing...
390 Joh 15:8 My fruit in you shows the Father ye are My disciples...
391 Joh 15:14 Ye are my friends...
392 Joh 15:18 The world will hate you because of Me...
393 Joh 16:8 The Holhy Spirit will reprove you of your sin-offering
394 Joh 16:24 Ask anything in My Name that your joy may be full...
395 Joh 16:25 Scripture is in parables, but can be made plain by Jesus...
396 Joh 16:33 Ye shall have tribulation, worry not, I have overcome...
397 Joh 17:4 Finish the work Jesus gives you to do...
398 Joh 17:15 Pray to avoid evil while working in the world...
399 Joh 19:11 Tribulation is given as you can bear, as a jewel in your crown
400 Joh 19:20 The Mother tongue of Jesus and the Jews was Hebrew...
401 Joh 19:26 Care for your Mother...
402 Joh 19:34 Jesus died of a broken heart...
403 Joh 20:29 Blessed are those with faith without seeing proof...
404 Joh 21:17 Love Jesus...
Notice the number of teachings in the Gospel books
of the New Testament. The other books have not been
considered as well ? And should be considered. Are
not the teachings in all the words of the Bible ?
Both old and new testaments ? May God bless our
completed love in Jesus' torah-teachings
as we perceive them. Shalom
Jesus' torah-teachings theme