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What happens if I persist in loving my pet sinning ?

Q9: What happens if I persist in loving my pet sinning ?

There are two kinds of obedience in the Bible, those who say they obey, but refuse to go. And those who say they won't go, but later repent, and go as Jesus wants them to.

There are two kinds of sinning is the Bible, wilful sinning and ignorant sinning. If you keep on sinning your pet sins from a love to them, do not expect Jesus to love you back. If your sinning is the result of ignorance, than Jesus is willing to persist in training you as a child in the right path to Him.

And there are two kinds of people in the Bible when it comes to the WILL, and willingness. The Stiff neck are people who are hard to give their will to Jesus. The back sliding are those who have wills that slide often into Satan's grasp ignorantly .

I suggest you read about all these kind of things if you need to, before moving on about your WILL. May you be willing to give Jesus your will to Him every day, and every second of the day. Shalom

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