Stomach Streams of influence
GOD designed the stomach to be wired via the vegas nerve to the mind, so that indulgence or fasting leads to two different streams of influence over your mind to be willing. You have a choice. The Special Scriptures call this process, fasting and prayer. Shalom Mt 15:32 Then Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.
The term "fasting" means to abstain from eating food for a long time.
For more see studies of self indulgence.
Part of Science is the ability to predict and make a hypothesis. Since the Author has not studied all the 150 chapters of Prayers in Scripture, and has not yet experienced the "wonders of Jesus flowing publically in others after supporting Jesus' words correctly during witnessing, following Jesus deeply using prayer and fasting", one will make predictions instead for now, using "child like faith".
Later on from now, the Author can look back and read how prophecy came to be completed.
Hypothesis: How does prayer and fasting improve a relationship in Jesus?
Context 1: Prayer and fasting defined ..
The first mention of prayer and fasting, is a prayer of David, over the so called friends who spoil his soul with mocking.
The Author finds this is also the greatest problem with living in Jesus. When we come in contact with others, we lose our relationship with Jesus, and hop over to using our own Baal Master powers of Self, to battle with our so called friends who mock us.
Why do they mock us? Because they do not have a relationship with Jesus, and so the two Baal powers clash. A battle of self begins, the so called friends swap good for bad, and make crude remarks.
Notice the context of this prayer:-
Ps 35:1 ¶ Plead my cause, O LORD (Father-YHWH), with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me. (KJV)
The Hebrew word "lacham" Strong's 3898, verb action noun action eat eatings fight fightings We could translate "lacham" (Strong's 3898, 3899, 3900 and 3901) as "eat and bread" or "fight and war" but this is not alerting the reader to the "verb and noun" forms of words with the same spelling.
So the Author has to choose "eat and eatings" or "fight and fightings" for every context such words are used in the Special Scriptures. Shalom
In verses 2 and 3, the prayer begins a picture of the Father as our "help mate" dressing us as "Warriors" with His shield, buckler and spears ready for fightings against our so called friends who mock us with words.
Finally our Father is our "yeshua", He rescues us with salvation.
Ps 35:5 Let them be as chaff before the wind (ruwach) "Holy Spirit": and let the angel (malak) "messenger" of the LORD (Father-YHWH) chase them. (KJV)
Notice the "help-mate" function, sending a "messenger" who is Yeshua, our salvation, with the Holy Spirit, who administrates the power of the Father-YHWH, via his Son Jesus, to us in prayer.
Ps 35:6 Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel (malak) "messenger" of the LORD persecute them.
Notice the "messenger of the Father" fights our fightings for us.
Ps 35:13 But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom.
Our prayer and fastings help us return to Jesus, who lives personally in those who follow Him, via the medium of the Holy Spirit, Jesus talks and walks personally with His presence in us.
This presence as we have seen is the presence of love from the Father, the Holy Spirit and the Son, our messenger and our salvation. Shalom
Context 2: Prayer and fasting humbles..
Da 9:3 And I set my face unto the Lord (adonay) "Jesus" God (elohiym) "family power", to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes:
The significance of prayer and fasting with supplications and sackcloth and ashes from a fire, need also to be studied. Here is Daniel the prime minister of a kingdom, resorting to a humble and lowly manner before Jesus.
For more about Jesus as Adonay.
Da 9:4 ¶ And I prayed unto the LORD (Father-YHWH) my God (elohiym) "family powers", and made my confession, and said, O Lord (adonay) "Jesus" , the great and dreadful God (el) "Strong Authority" , keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments;
Notice both the Father and Jesus are mentioned in Daniel's prayer.
Context 3: Prayer and fasting empowers..
Mt 17:21 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.
In this context, the disciples could not get Jesus power' to flow through them to remove a "Satanic Spirit" from a person, when "supporting Jesus' Name".
The disciples did not have a deeper relationship with Jesus, and need to learn this with prayer and fasting.
Context 4: Prayer and fasting restrains..
1Co 7:5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.(KJV)
In this context, a married couple can enjoy "sex together", but it seems "prayer and fasting" restrains the "beast-like functions of sex", so the couple work together correctly as a unit of love.
Context 5: Prayer and fasting supports..
Ac 14:23 And when they had ordained them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they believed "supported". (KJV)
How does a church ordain elders in assemblies and pray and fast, when fasting requires at least a day of time before? Most churches ordain elders with just a community prayer only, thus the Lord does not hear such a prayer.. because we have not fasted..
Thus in a church as gatherings, we have to support Jesus correctly with "prayer and fasting" as the Special Scriptures teaches.
Context 6: Prayer and fasting prepares..
Ac 27:9 Now when much time was spent, and when sailing was now dangerous, because the fast was now already past, Paul admonished them,
The "fast that was already past" is an idiom in Hebrew, meaning the "Feast of Atonement" had a "Fast" and was traditionally called by Jews the "Fast".
Le 23:27 Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement: it shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD.
The term "afflict your souls" is traditionally seen by Jews as "fasting", hence the tradition to "Fast on the Feast of Atonement".
Ac 27:33 And while the day was coming on, Paul besought them all to take meat, saying, This day is the fourteenth day that ye have tarried and continued fasting, having taken nothing
During a ship caught in a storm for 14 days, the men "pray and fast" eating no food, for such a long time. Such a condition on the body helps the community of men to trust Paul and God whom Paul directs their thoughts toward.
Thus "prayer and fastings" prepare the will to seek God better, even those who are not followers of Jesus, have the conscience of their mind illuminated by the Holy Spirit. This would be why in poverty places, the people are more receptive to hearing GOD than those living in countries of indulgences.
Context 7: Prayer and fasting willifies..
Mt 6:17 But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face;
This context passage is amazing. And helpful. Jesus is saying "our will to choose is strengthened" (Author's term "willifies") when we fast and pray.
This literal relationship of doings with Jesus, strengthens our eye to see things clearly, for the food or lack of food is wired by nerves to our mind, thus we support our minds when we pray and fast with a stronger yoking to Jesus.
We need to hop from our old ways of ruling our soul with our own Baal Master powers of self, and allowing Jesus to be our Master powers in a yoked relationship with Him.
This whole passage is speaking about poetry similes concerning fasting and prayer. The food we indulge in becomes the treasure of our entire mind, including affecting our relationship to Jesus.
So if the eye be dysfunctional, the whole body is full of darkness, instead of Jesus' light.
The Greek translation "no man can serve two masters (Greek kurios) is strange, because the Hebrew would have said, "No man can serve two masters (baal)." The Greek word, assuming this is correct, is implying our mind has inside of us a "LORD", but the Hebrew does not write this way.
Mankind can be LORD, as with "adown", but the term "kurios" refers to Hebrew terms such as "adown" "Adonay" and "YHWH". So this is confusing to readers who do not read Hebrew in the OT first as former rain, and than the NT writings as latter rain.
In the OT times people worshipped themselves as "masters" and did as their hearts desired, this term is called "baal" as a verb, and when written as "baal" as the noun, the context changes to objects of "self worship", the "idols of Baal".
In NT times do we still have "baal" as a verb in us? Do we rule ourselves as we please? Well yes. So what "self objects" do we worship? The concept of "worship" needs defining, but many of us serve materialism as idols of our Baal, just in OT times.
The Author should check if the LXX Septuingt translation has a Greek term for "baal" as a "verb" or "noun".
The Author was shocked to discover from the LXX Septuingt translation, that there is no Greek word for the Hebrew word "baal" and they chose "kurios" instead.
What a terrible translation the Greek New Testament has become. This example above comes from Isaiah 1:3, and shows a rare occasion where the KJV is
translating "baal" as "master".
Here is the only time the Greek translation uses the noun form of "baal" in the NT:-
Ro 11:4 But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal (Hebrew baal).
The Author is shocked again, that the Greek has no word for "baal", so uses the Hebrew spelling in the Kione Greek translation as "baal". This is yet another example the Greek NT is a translation of a Hebrew NT.
Now many false theories of faith that say Jesus is only a "master" in heaven, are pulling on translation straws...
Eph 6:9 And, ye masters (Greek kurios) (Hebrew baal "master", or adown "Lord" ) , do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Master (Greek kurios) also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him.
Now we really have a problem. The Greek has no Greek word for "Adown", "Adonay", "YHWH" and now "Baal", they are all translated as "kurios". If Jesus is "baal" a "Master" this only implies He is our ruler over our soul, not ourselves as "Master" using our own Baal master powers of self.
If humans are referenced as "Adown", we are "Lords" of our home, just as Jesus is "Lord" of the "Redeemed" and this new family home of members. There is no evidence of downgrading Jesus, as a "Son of Elohiym" into anything less than "LORD". Thus we line up the latter rains with the former rains.
So getting back to context 7, fasting and prayer willifies our mind, to remove the "Baal Master powers of self" and allow Jesus to be our "Master powers over our soul instead".
The stomach has two streams of influence.
Your choice.
This is nothing to do with developing a stronger will, to overpower our Baal Master powers of self. The work of "fasting and prayer" simply causes a change in our will to focus more on Jesus, and less on self.
Context 8: Prayer and fasting empowers..
Ac 13:2 As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.
Fasting and prayer empowers the communication process of Jesus via the Holy Spirit, who acts as an agency or medium for Jesus' presence living in us. Thus we have a living Strong Authority in us. God is not dead or silent, that we walk by faith in God silently.
No. Jesus is alive and able to speak audibly to us via the Holy Spirit. Practice the deeper relationship of "Fasting and Prayer" and listen for the still small voice of Jesus in the conscience of our mind. Shalom
Created by Rob Thompson. Hosted since 10/01/2012. Visitors HOSTED by Prologic, my Son. A thin website.