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How historically accurate is Scripture? Don Batton videos

How historically accurate is Scripture?


Many modern Jewish scholars deny the OT facts of the Scriptures. They say Solomon was a myth, as well as King David, and the Exodus. So sad to see modern Jewish scholars denying their own heritage. But today Mason's attack Scripture, and destroy knowledge with knowledge. This is why we have so many Universities attacking God's world of facts and knowledge with Evolutionary myths and lies. By smashing together truth with other 'truth', facts with 'evolutionary stories' the reader becomes confused, and this is the preferred result. By discrediting scholars with other more learned scholars, you can make readers distrust presenters, even those like Don Batton. However the Author loves Don Batton, his research is sound and accurate. I recommend you watching his whole series.

"Archaeology Digging for the Truth of the Bible - Dr. Don Patton" is a U-Tube video, where Dr Batton digs up finds proving the Scriptures are accurate and true.

The Author highly reccommends watching the U Tube videos of Dr Don Batton.

Here is a collection view of all the videos of Dr Don Batton.

Jos 1:3 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.

Here is a Scripture passage where Israel camps near Gilgal.

How remarkable for Dr Don Batton and his digging team, to find the Gilgal camp site, still in the shape of a shoe!!!!! The shoe outline is a low wall of stones.

Are the Jewish scholars interested in this site ? No... neither are Mason's wanting you to discover the Scriptures are true in every detail.

Don shows you proof of King David's palace, and much more.

The Author has no doubt the Scripture is very very accurate in every detail. Shalom

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