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How Holy is Scripture? How well preserved? Dead Sea Scrolls. Don Batton videos

How well preserved is Scripture?


Some people might argue you cannot trust Scripture because it has historical errors, or errors in copying, or fable productions...etc. Is the Scriptures truly the Holy Words of Elohiym in heaven?

Let's test this idea....

The Author highly reccommends watching the U Tube videos of Dr Don Batton.

Here is a collection view of all the videos of Dr Don Batton. He is truely interested in the true Science of the Bible. And this includes the young age of the earth, Creation rather than Evolution, the accuracy of Scripture, the fact that God created Dinosaurs with man in the beginning, the proof man lived with dinosaurs that Evolutionists cannot deny, and the findings of Noah's Ark.

All my files are flv files which are flash type files, one needs a small application FLV player to run them. The quality of such files is smaller than others, allowing a faster download. All files are very big, into the 100 MB range.

Dead Sea Scrolls

The dead sea scrolls prove the accuracy of the Scriptures. According to Science research by Dr Don Batton, all Scripture is preserved (except Esther) in AD 50.

We also have papyrus fragments of the NT, all books except possibly Revelation, as it wasn't written then by AD 50 also.

The scrolls are rolled up and stored in clay jars, sealed with wax, hence their remarkable preservation.

What the Author would love is to find NT fragments in Hebrew. But so far all fragments found are written in Greek, in AD 50. This means the Gentiles were wanting copies of the Hebrew NT so badly that in the life time of Paul and Luke, the copies into Greek were made. These Gentiles were Jews, who did not speak or write Hebrew much any more, and read the Scriptures better in Greek. Also in time non Jewish Gentiles also read the NT in Greek. One can see why the Jews never wanted their NT copies in Hebrew. They hated the Jesus sect back then.

Here is a fragment of Mark, in Greek. The computer aligns the fragment words over a Greek passage, and changes the width of the columns, until a perfect match occurs.

So can we trust we have the Holy Words of Scripture today, the orginal authors intended to write? Yes we can. The original Hebrew is preserved, in fact so is the Ancient Hebrew inside modern Hebrew also preserved today.

So my dear reader trust your Hebrew Bible words, and start reading about Elohiym's salvation for you.

If your an English reader, the KJV is a really good Bible to read. It is the best mechanical translation of the Hebrew and Greek.

On the next web page, let's look at Scripture proved historically accurate..

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