The Sacred NAME The Father's name is made of two letters, the "E" and the "F". The first letter of Hebrew "A" meant "strong", a verb to describe the "stronging Almighty Family". Hence, a picture of a bull. The second letter "B" meant "home", is a picture of where the "Family" resides. The third letter "C" means to walk, and shows the "Divine Family" is highly active, as well as highly relational. The fourth letter "D" means the "door", and refers to the entrances from which the seen passes through into the unseen. We see out into our world through the door of our mind. Is the reader surprised that Ancient Hebrew letters close resemble modern English letters? GOD is very smart at making His Hebrew into a universal language! Now that the physical elements of GOD is set in place, the fifth letter in Hebrew is a picture of a Divine Person we BEHOLD! The Jews call this letter "hey". Hey man, look at GOD! The sixth letter is "F", a picture of the tent peg. This letter is a picture of our heavenly Father who keeps all things safe and secure. More? The other day working as a Gardener, I had use of the tentpeg as a symbol of secure. I used the tent peg idea to secure a hose pipe connection. Another reminder, how functionally important our heavenly Father is. Thank you Father for keeping everything secure and safe. |
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