See for more themes.

Pictograph theory across a whole verses

Q 16. Can pictographs prove useful for entire verses?

Within reason perhaps. Consider this verse that has been studied in detail by Spiritual Springs. The verse is the only place in Scripture that details the Science of Salvation as Steps to Jesus, in chronological order. It is without a doubt the most important passage in the Bible; describing in detail the STEPS required to be saved by Jesus, and to ensure ongoing salvation.

We will list the entire passage without telling you the English words. (Some order of Hebrew is necessary to make English read correctly. "See purple lines" . Some pictographs grouped have combined meanings as if a single logogram, shown in purple English words).

Let us translate the pictographs and see if you agree the Ancient Hebrew tells us in this passage, a deeper meaning.

"Pressing securely homeward, Behold! you a sinner, seeing through the eye's door "of your mind", (to) YAHWEH (your) GOD, the PERSON BEHOLD! secure, (with) palms (and) actived hands , (your) palms press (to the) authority toward (an important) mark, "heavenly" homeward, (your) walking (with) palms twisting secure.

"Beyond outside secure, (the) eyes flow, (the) palms flow, (the) WORDS active flows, (And) securely pressing securely home secure, (to your) GOD YAHWEH.

(With) strong flowing head secure, (to your) GOD active secure , LIFT-AWAY to the (important) mark, palms caring, (our) twisting secure; And secure, over the horzions (of time) outside, (the) covered secure home.

And secure across the people, (the) pressing authority flows, Behold! the Person, (my) mouth-head active flows, (the) (important) mark active, across the people secure, (the) mouth (turns).

There are a few differences in Ancient Hebrew than English. First Ancient Hebrew repeats itself, each phrase is joined with the a "tent peg" letter, meaning in English "And". The action of some verbs is repeated deeply to show genuine attitude of gratitude. And lastly Ancient Hebrew is a simple language with broad meanings.

twisting secure means "guilt", the twisting secure clockwise and counter-clockwise many stressors in your life until you feel down, depressed and burdened with guilt.

Pressing securely homeward, is the idea to REPENT, and we often make repenting into some stressful complex process, but it is simply a genuine return to God's tent.

(the) covered secure home is a simple meaning for grace.Since orginal sinning of Adam we have lost our secure covering around our home (soul) and thus become vunerable to Satanic forces. O for a secure covering around our soul, so we can rest in peace.

"Beyond outside secure, (the) eyes flow, (the) palms flow, (the) WORDS active flows, (And) securely pressing securely home secure, (to your) GOD YAHWEH.

Read through this passage again noting the intense deep prayer to GOD to return Home to Him. The eyes flow, the palms in prayer flow, the active words flow, and securely pressing secure homeward to GOD securely you continue to plead in remarkable is a passage like this speaking in simple repeating terms of intense devotion to God, a genuine heart.

The mouth-head active flows, speak of fruit coming to a head, it rises automatically and you cannot but help praise God with your lips, that speak of His wonderful grace, you praise Him openly to others.

For more:

Let's challenge the reader: Where in one Bible passage in correct chronlogical order are the correct steps a person takes in order to be saved by Jesus?

This link shows a summary of these steps.

  • How to be saved by Jesus

    This hyperlink shows more details, and is especially useful to those of us who have personal blockages in our chi ld like faith in accepting Jesus' gift of salvation. Shalom

  • Getting started in Jesus

    On the next web page we look at root words and child words...proving that Hebrew words were once related..

    Ancient Hebrew

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