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Lawlessness, self indulgance

Q7: The seventh principle of SELF INDULGENCE : set aside commandments!

Mr 7:8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.

Not only do 'self powered' people have human traditions to replace 'torah teachings' but they set aside the Ten Commandments of the Father with their own human laws. AND they establish different commandments, as if creating a new salvation method of their own.

Many churches create new torah saying that Jesus abolished His old torah on the Cross, thus much of the Hebrew method of salvation is laid aside with human traditions of salvation. We need to be careful with the New Testament which are writings of prophets about Jesus, and how they establish the torah of the Old Testament rather than setting the torah aside. The purpose of the torah teachings is a tutor to bring you to the person Jesus. Just like love letters about Jesus are not are good as hearing love from the personal presence of Jesus ! Once you are connected directly to the still small voice of Jesus via the Holy Spirit of the conscience, the person, the writings take a secondary role rather than a primary role. ( However the torah is still important for unless you know torah teachings, Jesus connot speak back to you, for I find Jesus speaks to me much using the torah teachings I have previously learned. Thus torah is my vocubulary and Jesus' voice is my language to my conscience. So both have a role in communication.)

May we embrace the Ten commandment principles of salvation in Jesus as it is written in Hebrew, not changed by traditions of men. Shalom

Self theme

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