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What are examples of fun with same spellings

Q5: What are examples of fun with same spellings ?

Hebrew loved having fun with words, especially the same spellings.

The penitent penner penned some words pensively with his pen. In this example, if written in Hebrew all the same words are coloured yellow. The penitent penner penned some words pensively with his pen. Perhaps this is why Hebrew rarely has adjectives and adverbs, only words of action currently happening, or actions already completed.

Here is fun with words of similar spellings, to emulate Hebrew fun in Scripture.

The submarine went to subject the submerged substance with passion.

The painter painted painfully his painting with paint.

The sower went to sow his seed sorrowfully.

My question to us all is, which quest do we quest now ?

How much chata does a charring character have to do, before our char is up ? And are we charactized as being charred with char if we refuse to chat our forgiveness to God ?

Hebrew is full of such word fun in Scripture, but we can't see it, because we read English spellings and not Hebrew spellings. Hebrew is a fun language full of poetry and colour. May God bless our renewed thinking. Shalom

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