S3: Welcome to SALVATION STEPS TO JESUS summary of Step 3

This salvation step is about the daily powers of GOD, that come from Jesus to us via the Holy Spirit through prayer.

Please keep practicing this quiz, until you know for yourself :

  • Step 3 : "Praying power -

    Q1: What kind of person are you ?

    (a) sinner

    (b) a good bloke

    (c) righteous

    Q2: What does Baal religion mean ?

    (a) an old religion in the OT

    (b) my own home secure authority

    (c) a religion of human sacrifice

    Q3: What does prayer mean ?

    (a) the person is mostly talking to Jesus without Jesus talking back

    (b) the person is talking to Jesus as well as listening to Jesus talk back

    (c) the person is listening to Jesus mostly with little talking from yourself

    Q4: What is the condition to receiving the gift of prayer power ?

    (a) humility

    (b) mournful

    (c) meek

    Q5: What is the most common problem that prevents power flowing in the prayer life ?

    (a) presumption

    (b) pride

    (c) guilt

    Q6: Name a good reward the Christian experiences in the prayer life ?

    (a) forgiveness

    (b) joy

    (c) exhaustion

    Q7: What happens if I stop sensing Jesus' words in my life ? Will prayer power continue ?

    (a) Yes. The higher levels of grace do not depend upon lower processes.

    (b) Yes. God overlooks those who take shortcuts in His grace.

    (c) No. The sinner is failing to respond to Jesus' torah teachings of love.

    STEPS TO JESUS summary theme